[Durarara!!] Shizuo x Female!Reader

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You walked around the city, shoving your way past everyone who bumped into you or rushed past you. It was quite late, being only 11:27 at night according to your phone at least. You keep your hands stuffed into the pockets of your sweatshirt, keeping your head down as you walk. You had no reason to be out and about at this time, but at the same time, you had no reason to sit at home alone waiting until you finally fall asleep.

You looked over at the window of a small candy shop. You smile slightly but keep walking, turning your attention forward. You pull out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter. You pound the pack on your palm before opening it, pulling out a cigarette. You put it in your mouth and return the pack to the pocket of your sweatshirt. You flicked the lighter after ducking into a nearby alley. You huff as you keep trying to light it, but it refuses to light.

"Come on.." You urge quietly

It finally lights, but the wind decided to blow it out. You growled before chucking it against the opposite wall. You shout curses at it for not working properly.

"Need a light?" Someone asks

A lighter is flicked on and held up to your cigarette. You lean in, lighting the addictive death trap before pulling away. You look up after taking it out of your mouth. You look up at a blonde man wearing a pair of purple shades, wearing a bartenders outfit. This, was the legendary Shizuo Heiwajima

"Thanks." You mutter, puffing out some smoke "I could have done it myself though."

He paused for a moment, seemingly tensing up. He pocketed the lighter, mumbling something inaudiable. Something zips past him as he spins around. Before you knew it, your arm was held behind your back pulled up, locked into that position. Something cool and metal was held to your neck. You gasp at the growing pain in your arm. Shizuo looks over to you and your captor.

"Hello Shizu-chan~!" A cool voice chirped

"You fucking flea, I knew I sensed you here somewhere." He seethed "I told you to leave Ikebukuro, dammit. AND I TOLD YOU TO CALL ME SHIZUO HEIWAJIMA!"

"Shizu-Chan~! That's no way to treat a guest~!" The 'flea' pouted

"Will you like, GET THE FUCK OFF ME?! I AM NOT A SHIELD JACKASS!" You struggled

He yanked your arm upwards, you cried out as tears filled your eyes, you bit down on your cigarette, which quickly fell out of your mouth as he snickered.

"What an interesting little human!" He chirped

"Let her go Izaya." Shizuo clenched his fists

"Awe~ But she's so interesting~!" He giggled childishly

"LET. HER. GO." He shouted

A sharp pain hit your neck as the cold blade was pressed against your neck, blood poured down. It wasn't deep enough to kill you but damn did it hurt. Izaya dropped you on the ground, releasing you as he took off. You held your bleeding throat and wheezed at the sharp pain in your arm.

"Wh-What the hell Heiwajima-San?" You asked

He picked you up off the ground and carried you in his arms. As angry as he was, he wasn't planning on chasing Izaya, he needed to bring you to Shinra. You passed out, suddenly exhausted. Shizuo began sprinting to Shinra and Celty's place.

~TimeSkip to a week later~

You sat down across from Shizuo at the local Russian Sushi shop, you smiled at him as you stirred your drink with your straw. He just glanced down at the scar on your neck from that fateful night. He fell into deep thought, only to be snapped out of it, literally might I add, as you snap your fingers in his face.

"Shizuo-kun? Are you alright?" You ask, worried

He was not okay, neither you or him had seen Izaya since that night. His blood boiled at he thought about what he did to you. It was strange to him that he seemed to care so much about you, at first he figured it was just out of decency. But, he came to realize it might be much more. It was strange, but strange was something that made up his personality, or himself rather. Strange was nothing unusual for him, given his unexplainable strength.

Shizuo blinked, shaking his head to rid himself of his thoughts. He looked you in the eyes and offered your a small smile, like he usually did.

"It's nothing [f/n]." He explained blunty

"Alright. If you say so." You shrugged

You weren't one to push him for answers, besides having a short blazing temper like Shizuo, you were actually very considerate and down to earth. He enjoyed this about you since it meant you wouldn't press him for answers sending him into a argumentative state.

"I'm heading out for a smoke." You suddenly said

You grabbed your purse and got up, heading out the front doors. Shizuo decided to pay and head out after you. He'd been keeping a close eye on you in case Izaya happened to show up again, which is just what he did at this exact moment.

You walked over to the side alley, pulling out a lighter and a pack of cigarettes. You pulled one out and lit it, you may have a nasty habit of smoking, but it was something that helped your personality grow more interesting.

"[F/N]-Chan! What a pleasant surprise~!" You heard that voice of his chirp

Your eyes shot up, seeing Izaya standing in front of you, holding his phone in his hand as he typed a message to someone. He quickly shut it and turned his attention to you. You gritted your teeth and balled up your fists. You swung a punch at him, which he strangely accepted. He went flying against the opposite wall.

"You have a lot of nerve showing up around here Orihara!" You shouted

Shizuo happened to walk out at the time you swung a punch at Izaya. He peaked over the corner, his eyes widened sightly as he watched the strength inside you be unleashed. Izaya got up and stretched, holding his now bleeding nose. Izaya looked over noticing Shizuo, who was astonished at your fighting skills.

Izaya looked back at you and grinned before quickly leaned in, suddenly capturing your lips. Your eyes widened as he shut his. He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you close. Izaya was suddenly ripped off of you and thrown against the opposite wall, denting in all the bricks. Your face was red as you covered your mouth in surprise at Izaya's actions. You watched as Shizuo, boiling with pure rage walked up to Izaya.

"That's IT. You fucking flea! You just crossed the fucking line! If you're not going to leave Ikebukuro I guess i'm gonna have to FORCE YOU." He hissed darkly

He took off his purple shades, revealing his hazel eyes. He grinned a sadistic grin as he lunged for Izaya, who quickly shot up to his feet and dodged Shizuo. He grabbed a nearby vending machine and chucked it at Izaya, who wasn't able to dodge quickly enough given the size of the thin alley. He was hit by the vending machine and sent flying back. He pulled out his switchblade and charged at Shizuo, swiping at him. Shizuo would either get sliced or dodge the blade. You watched in shock as the two brawled.

After a few more moves were made by the two men, Izaya took off down the street, Shizuo chasing after him, shouting curses at him. He ripped out a sign somewhere along the way and was chasing after Izaya with it. You just backed up against the wall and slid down it, your heart pumping frantically.

Shizuo comes back a little while later, seeing you still sitting there in shock. He dropped his bloody sign and walked over to you. You looked up at him and got up, running to him. You smiled and wrapped your arms around him. Shizuo blushed, but hesitantly hugged back. He'd finally figured it out. It wasn't a question he asked himself daily, for he knew the answer.

There was no doubt that Shizuo Hewaijima, was in love.

He pulled out of the hug and dipped his head down, catching your lips. Your heart rate picked up once again as butterflies flew around in your stomach. This wasn't like the kiss Izaya gave you simply to provoke Shizuo, this one was full of love. Love that you'd been wanting to give him since that night. You pulled away from the kiss and rested your chin on his shoulder. You looked behind him, grinning as you gave you beaten friend, Izaya Orihara a secret thumbs up. He grinned and gave you a thumbs up back.

"You sly little girl." Shizuo chuckled to himself at his thoughts

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