[Hetalia] Romano x Reader

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Dance Class Draggings
Beauty & A Beat - Justin Bieber

She moved her hips so flawlessly as she sang on the stage, Lovino couldn't help but stare, mesmerized. Maybe coming to Spain's new dance classes weren't so absolutely awful as he thought they were. Soon, before Lovi knew it the show was over, so he and Feli were waiting for Spain so Lovi could take him home. Just then, the beautiful girl he saw on the stage walked out, only she walked towards him. She stopped her pace in front of him, a warm smile present on her face.

"Toni said that he would be out in a few minutes." She explained "He told me to come tell you, you are Lovino and Feliciano right?"

"Yes-a we are!" Feli smiled "Also-a, thank you Bella."

"Don't-a call her-a that-a Idiota regazza." Roman rolled his eyes

Just then Spain came out, a bright smile on his face. He walked over to the three, hugging the beautiful girl. Romano growled, feeling a hint of jealousy clear in his actions. Spain just chuckled, whispering something in the girls ear, the girl looked at Spain and nodded. She looked back at Romano and outstretched her hand.

"Can I use your phone please, Romano?" She asked

"Why?" He asked

"How else would you get my number and have a chance of loosing it?" She replied

Romano paused, his cheeks heating as he took out his phone and handed it to the girl. She smiled again, going to his contacts and adding herself in. Once she was finished she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and handed Lovi his phone back. Romano slipped his phone back into his pocket, only to have his curl pulled, making him walking forward. He moaned softly, but it was muffled by a pair of soft lips on his. His heart fluttered, shivers running up and down his spine as she pulled away. She smiled patting his head jokingly. Toni and Feli both chuckled at this.

"Well I think its time for [y/n] to head home Ro-" Toni was cut off

Romano cursed in Italian as he picked [y/n] up and threw her over his shoulder. She yelped in surprise as he carried her outside, still cursing in Italian.

"I'll be back, I think!" [y/n] called to them

Antonio and Feliciano made eye contact, before bursting out into laughter.

"SHUT UP!" Romano yelled back to them

This only made them laugh more as the two lovebirds exited the building.

oscar got bored☺ *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now