[Creepypasta] Jeff the Killer x Vampire!Reader

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What ARE You?
I'm In Love With A Killer - Jeffree Star

A young girl around (y/a) years of age, was enjoying herself as she played in the creek. She was acting much like a kid would, however, despite her childish nature, she could be serious if she wanted to be. Yet, little did the girl know, she was being watched by a far, and by prying eyes at that. Yes, it was the legendary Jeff the Killer, who was stalking his newest victim. He was creeping closer by the minute, and thanks to the many trees and bushes, he wasn't seen. The girl's attention was drawn elsewhere however, when a bush seemed to rustle. The young woman being the innocent and curious girl she was, went to go see, thinking it was an animal of some sort. But, little did she know she was approching her terrible fate itself. Soon, before she knew it, she was pinned down by her murderer.

"Go to sleep." Was whispered in her ear

The girl was in a slight daze, which is what caused her to respond with what she did. Also without restraint, and without any signs of fear what so ever

"But it's still daylight.." She replied

The killer paused, furrowing his eyebrows in confusion while he lowered his knife. He was confused, yet quite interested in the girl. He stared down at the girl, the wounds from his smile were opening again, causing blood to leak out. A drop touched her face, and to Jeff's shock and surprise, she licked it off. She licked her lips as she quickly flipped the position over so she was sitting upon his chest.

"Whoa, uhh.. okay then..." He trailed off

The girl placed a finger on his carved smile, she pulled it away and popped it in her mouth. When she pulled it out she licked her lips and smiled down at him.

"You taste good." She remarked

Jeff seemed to tense for a moment, his interests deepening and his confusion growing. Was she a cannibal or something? Like what the fuck was this shit she was doing. Personally, the killer liked it a little bit, but otherwise he thought it was a bit strange.

"Uhhhh.." Was all he could say

"Jeff you okay?" She asked

"...h-how do you know my name?" He asked

"Ah shit, sorry Jeff. I should probably explain myself." She facepalmed "I'm so stupid."

"You really aren't. You're just a bit.. strange.." He trailed off

"Hmm.." She seemed to be thinking "You're really interesting. You know that, Jeff?"

"An..d.. you aren't..?" He recoiled

"True.." She trailed off

She placed another finger on his carved smile, and pulled it back licking the blood off her finger. She went to repeat the process, but when she placed her finger on the smile, Jeff shoved her hand away.

"Will you fucking stop that?!" He hissed

"Oh, i'm sorry that your blood tastes good." Sarcasm laced her voice

She crossed her arms and glared at Jeff slightly annoyed. He just returned the glare, the same amount of irratation filled in his facial expression.

"What do you think i'm supposed to do? Just lick it off?" She asked

Jeff's cheeks tinted almost a scarlet color at that response. His heart seemed to flutter and beat loudly. The girl noticed this and placed a ear down on his chest, right where his heart would be. She listened to the steady beat that consumed Jeff's ears with ease. She grinned a wide grin as she began humming a tune along to it. Jeff went to crawl back away, but he was stopped when she gripped his hoodie tightly, sitting up. She scooted up a bit on his chest and bent over so she was close to his face.

"Jeff...are you afraid?" She asked

"I-I... uhh.. I... no.." He stammered

She stared into his eyes, searching for something that she quickly found. She softly placed her lips onto his, causing him to blush an even darker red. She kept her eyes locked with his, refusing to blink. Jeff's eyes seemed to roll to the back of his head while (y/n) started to lick some of the blood out of his smile. His hands found themselves winding into her hair, as he tugged at it. She pulled away, her mouth decorated with blood. She licked it all off and grinned down at him.

"Just chill out." She chuckled

oscar got bored☺ *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now