[Creepypasta] Hoodie x Reader (Part 2)

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You come across a small creek with an arched bridge over it. You slow down, practically tripping and slipping a couple times as you stroll up to the bridge. You plop down on top of it, resting your back against the guard rail. Twenty One Pilots play in your ears as you stare down at the water that leaked into the darkened forest.

An arm is hooked around your neck and you're held back against the railing. Your reflexes cause you to react and you grab the hooded sleeve. Someone pets your head, shushing you as the oxygen began left your body. You take a bite out of the arm from fear and it retreats, you hold your throat, gasping for air. You turn to look at your attacker, he seemed to wear a black mask that clearly was falling apart. It had red button eyes and a red frown stitched into it. The rest of his outfit was quite casual.

You slip the bag off your shoulders and it lands with a thump behind you. A few minutes pass by as you eye the other threateningly. You jump up to the rail and over it, tackling the person to the ground beside the creek.

His heart pounds in his chest, his mind racing to a finish line or some sort of middle ground for his thoughts. You were even better up close, but the fact that you were on top of him gave him some very sickening thoughts.

"Listen man, I don't know who you are, or why you're attacking me but I don't have anything!"

The figure silently shakes his or her head and gestures some things.

"What do you mean you've seen me around?"

More gesturing.

"You.. thought that I'm attractive?"

He or she continues

"You've been watching me from a distance for quite some time now, huh?"

He enjoyed the fact that you could read sign language, he wasn't really one who enjoyed talking out loud.

You shake your head in response to this, physically removing the thoughts from your mind. You hesitate for a moment but stand up. You extend your hand out to the person and they accept it. You pull them up to your feet.

"Do you live around here?"

He nods.

"Can you show me?"

He nods once more.

The hooded figure takes your hand and you both trudge through the forest. You swoop down and grab your bag, music still playing in your ears.


You come up on a fairly nice 2 floor house in the middle of the forest. It was made with logs which you didn't mind, it was quite nice. He enters it, simply twisting the handle and pushing it inward. You step inside quietly, looking around.

"Nice place."

He gestures a thanks that you didn't pay much attention to. You enter the kitchen, peaking out the window blinds, it was getting dark outside. He taps your shoulder from behind and you turn around. He explains that they're aren't any real guest rooms and you could pick the couch, his room, or one of his friend's rooms. You lean over and peak around him, glancing at the old ratty couch and shuddering.

"Are they around?"

He shakes his head.

"Would they be okay with it if I did?"

He taps his chin for a moment before shaking his head violently. Masky and Toby most likely wouldn't take to kindly to some random mortal sleeping in their beds.

You chuckle at this. You head off to the kitchen with him following silently behind you. You open the fridge and roam around in it, he taps your shoulder as you take out a carton of milk. You turn to look at him. He points to your ear, you reach up at take out one of your earbuds and you pass it to him. He listens intently to the music.

He wouldn't have really guessed that you listened to moody music, but then again, he wouldn't have known what you'd listened to. This had only been his obsession for a few months.

You take out the other earbud and hand it to him along with your phone. You reach up into the cupboard and open it, taking out a glass to pour milk in. You put the carton away and take a sip. The door opens and Hoodie turns, waving around frantically as he passes you your phone and earbuds. He shoos you upstairs in a rushed manor, locking you up in what seemed to be his room. You just continue sipping your milk. Voices converse downstairs.

"Did you hear..... fire.... girl/boy..... stalking.."

"nobody..... surprised...... happened today......"

You yawn softly and stretch, crawling over towards his bed. You were tired. Setting your school on fire, running through the woods, and meeting a stalker you weren't even aware you'd had in the first place can take a lot out of a person. You slip into it and set your milk on the nightstand. You slowly drift off into sleep.


Hoodie walks into his room, spotting you sleeping peacefully on his bed. He sits down beside you and pets you.

"I'm so proud of you." He says softly "It took you quite awhile to break."

You sit up and turn, grabbing his hand and pulling him beside you.

"Go to sleep."

You mutter, he cringes at your choice of wording. He and Jeff didn't exactly see eye-to-eye due to a shitty first impression. You curl up beside him, with an arm hooked tightly around his neck.

"I'm going to keep you forever." He murmurs

He shifts around a bit, eventually getting comfortable. He wraps his arm around your waist and pulls you close.

oscar got bored☺ *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now