[South Park] Gregory x Reader

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NF - Face It

You hold your duffle bag tightly as you step off the train and look around. Your eyes held dark bags underneath them and you looked much skinnier compared to when you left.

You were back from [prestigious school] and once again in your hometown of South Park. You weren't supposed to come back for months, but here you were.

There was no welcome party, no friends ready to celebrate your return, no welcome back sign held up by your old friends, no parents to greet you.

You trudge away from the train stop and through the snow. Countless people offer to help you carry your things, insisting that you looked exhausted, but you paid very little attention to them.

Your feet hurt from the weight on them by the time you enter the town. Your eyes scanning the houses as you pass by each one. People stop to stare at you as you pass by them on the streets. Some recognized you, some didn't.

You spot the faded green house and approach it. You knock on the door, making sure it was loud enough for him to hear. The door is answered, by none other then-

"Gregory?" You ask softly

You weakly outstretch your arms in a broken manor. His eyes widen once he sees it's you at the door. They widen even more once he notices the broken look you held.

"Everything went wrong." Your voice drops to a whisper

The Yardale boy lets you cling to him and rubs your back as you burst into tears. You finally drop to your knees despite how hard he tried to hold you up.

"It's alright. You're back now. That's all that matters."

He kneels down in front of you. Gregory cups your cheeks and wipes your tears away with his thumbs.

"Everyone missed you."

"D-Did they really?"

"Christophe and I certainly did."

"I'm sorry I ever left you and Christophe! I was wrong!"

"It's okay darling"

"Everyone hated me at [prestigious school]!"

He shushes you and holds your face close to his chest.

"They kept mentioning something about homesickness"

"You missed us too, didn't you?"

"I missed you, Gregory."

"I missed you too."

oscar got bored☺ *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now