[South Park] Craig x Reader

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Trndsttr - Black Coast [Lucian remix]

A broken toy was what you were. Just what this town was looking for. Though the mix of different children with different backgrounds, you were one of the dark ones.

You awkwardly sit in the back of the class, itching your arm aggressively. It wasn't that it was itchy, you arm hurt but your nerves decided you were to itch at it. You look around the room

"F/n are you okay?" Mr Macky asks "You've been itching your arm the whole class mm'kay. You haven't been doing drugs have you? Cuz' drugs are bad mm'kay?"

"No I haven't."

"Probably cutting herself." Someone chimes in

"CRAIG!!" Mr Mackey exclaims

You roll your eyes and turn around to meet the gaze of Wendy. Who urged you not to do anything. You turn to him. 

"Craig cut it out." You say casually "Or I might cut you. Yaknow since you're so convinced I cut myself."

"F/n let's not threaten people mm'kay"

It wasn't a good comeback but you didn't care. He just chuckled. 

"So you're admitting to it."


"Yeah, yeah hold that thought." You say, putting your finger up to shush him

"Listen Craig, I need to know something." You say

"What's that?"

"Did you get that operation yet?" You ask casually

"What?" He says, confused

"You know, the one to take that huge stick out of your ass. The one that's about ye long."

You hold your hands up giving a gestimate of how big it was. Giggles erupt around you both throughout the classroom.

"Fuck. You." He hisses

"I'm serious Craig it's been up there a long time." You say, feigning concern

Kenny bangs his hand on his desk as he laughs. A motion signalling a prayer for you to stop your schtick.

"F/n that's enough" Mr Mackey sayS

You turn back around and shrug.

"Dude you just got demolished." Stan says

"Don't encourage the stick Stanley." You say softly

Everyone goes back into laughter as you once again turn to him.

"Just remember the stiiiiccckkk" You say quietly, whimsically waving your hands around

"That's enough." Macky cuts in

Craig's face goes red. You can smell the smoke coming from his ears so you turn back towards him. You touch his hand soothingly.

"Don't worry dude, you'll be fine. I promise." You say softly "After all,"

He raises an eyebrow. 

"It has to come out sometime." You finish

"F/N!" Macky yells

Craig stands up yelling a "that's it" before storming out. You dodge the damn thing and sit down on the floor. Everyone stares at you wide-eyed.

You just stand up and dust yourself off casually, dodging Mr Macky who tried to grab you in order to drag you to the principals office.

You stroll out after the angry male. Despite everyone's calls for you not to. You just give them all the middle finger before walking after him. You call out to him and hurry off after.

"Craig! Craig come on!" You say

You drift around the school eventually finding him in the cafeteria, alone, and pouting. You walk over to him and set a hand on his shoulder. 

"Come on man," You say

He shrugs your hand off of him. Muttering an aggressive 'don't touch me'. You back off before sitting beside him.

"Look at me you angry potato." You demand

"Why should I?" He hisses

"Because we're best friends."

"No we're not."

"Worth a shot." You shrug

"Whatever," He huffs, flipping you off

"There it is!" You give him a toothy smile

Another finger is added. 

"Okay, okay, easy." You say, cringing "I'm sorry."

He rolls his eyes and turns on his seat, pulling you towards him. You land on his lap and blush lightly as he pecks your lips.

"Jesus Christ you fags get a room!" Cartman shouts

You both flip him the bird, using both your hands and possibly your toes. He cringes and flinches. 

"Okay, okay jeez!" He exclaims, backing away

oscar got bored☺ *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now