[Soul Eater] Black*Star x Reader

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Your phone rang, waking you up from your sleep. You groaned and reached over to your nightstand grabbing it. You looked at it, squinting, ugh what could Soul-kun possibly want at this hour. You groaned and tapped the green button, putting it up to your ear.

"Soouul-kunn why are you calling me now???" You whined, yawning

"[f/n].. it's Black*Star, Tsubaki just brought him back from their mission, he's pretty messed up."

You bolted up out of bed instantly. Hurridly saying that you'd be right over to the nurse's ASAP.

TimeSkip Brought to you by Excalibur and Hiro *makes face*

You ran down the hallway, and bursting into the nurses, seeing Professor Stein and the others surrounding what you assumed to be Black*Star. You ran in and shoved Liz and Patty aside, scrambling over to Black*Star's side. You hugged him tightly, suddenly pressing your lips onto his, Black*Star went red. Everyone was shocked as you pulled away, tears starting to fall. You cried into his shoulder with the Star Clan tattoo. The Bluenette hugged you back, cradling your head and holding your back. You stood up straight, wiping the rest of your tears away. Tsubaki walked over beside you and hugged you.Once you both pulled apart two loud smacks was heard throughtout the room. Black*Star and Tsubaki quietly held their cheeks as everyone either gasped or stayed quiet.

"YOU IDIOTS!" You hissed coldly "You could've gotten yourselves killed!"

"Nothing can kill the all mighty Black*Star!" Black*Star boasted

"MAKAAAAA-CHOP!" Maka hit him over the head with a book

"That was so uncool guys." Soul sighed stuffing his hands into his pockets

"You're next Soul." Maka glared at Soul who held his hands up in defense, cringing

"Maka I suggest you not do that here." Dr. Stein inquired

Black*Star blushed as he touched your cheek, you took hold of his wrist with both of your hands and offered him a warm smile. You brought Tsubaki into a side hug and smiled at her.

"I'm just glad you two dumbasses are okay." You sighed happily

"[f/n]?" Black*Star asked

"Yeah Black*Star?" You answered

"Can I, uh, talk to you in private" He twiddled his thumbs

"You seem to be having quite the change in character Black*Star" You smirked

Black*Star's face went red as Tsubaki and Maka shooed everyone else out of the room. Once the door shut, Black*Star looked over to you, sitting up and swinging his feet over the side, remaining seated. You sat next to him, and laid your head on your shoulder. You smiled, wrapping your arms around him and snuggling up to him. He was tense.

"[f/n] I like you." Black*Star said bluntly

"I like you too Black*Star." You chuckled

"No like I want you to be my girlfriend." He chuckled

Be a champion, be a champion, be a champion, be a champion
On the walls of the hall of fame

Now it was your turn to be tense. You slowly looked up at him, seeing that he was looking down at you. You were blushing like crazy just staring into those eyes of his.

"About time." You grinned

Then, it happened, you both leaned in and kissed. You wrapped your hands around his neck as he wrapped his around your waist. You both occasionally giggled and pulled away only to be pulled back in as it grew heated. He kissed your neck, making you mewl softly.

"Hey Black*Star?" You asked as he calmed himself and laid his head on your shoulder

"Yeah?" He replied

"Remember when we first met?" You smiled

"Yeah. You and Tsubaki were impressed by my awesomeness." He boasted

You laughed as he lifted his head back up. You kissed his nose making him blush.

"That was the greatest day of my life" You smiled

Memory Time!

You smirked coolly and cockily as you walked up the steps to the DWMA, your hands stuffed in the pockets of your [f/c] sweatshirt. A tag reading '[Weapon/Meister]' pinned to your DWMA academy sweatshirt. You looked at the academy spotting someone standing on one of the red needles sticking out of the skull over the enterance.

"YAHOO!" You heard them shout "Remember this everyone!"

You snorted "Oh shit, this should be good.."

"I AM BLACK*STAR AND I AM GOING TO SURPASS GOD!" He exclaimed confidently

Everyone out in front of the school looked up at Black*Star mumbling and murmuring among themselves. You chuckled, trying to hold back as much laughter as you could because you wanted to hear what he was saying.

"Don't be scared! I am just too awesomely much to handle!" Okay, now he was just being full of himself

You burst out laughing loudly, unable to listen to anymore of his ego escaping through his lips, slowly everyone started clearing out, and you were in tears by the time he finished. He then jumped down upon hearing a girl clapping for his egotistical speech. You calmed yourself down and got up, wiping the tears away and clapping with her, snickering and snorting occasionally. He then jumped down and approached the both of you.

"That made my day" You chuckled

"Th-That was great." The girl smiled

"Well looks like you're both the first ones to notice my talent, congratulations." He grinned "What's your names?"

"Oh right.." The girl said

"Sup dudes, the name is [f/n]. I'm a [Weapon/Meister]" You waved at them

"Im Tsubaki and I'm a weapon." Tsubaki smiled sweetly

"Well, I am Black*Star!" He shouted in our faces "Meister"

Black*Star pulled at his tag, gesturing to it. His tag read 'Meister'. We looked at each other, giggling at his over sized ego.

"Hey I think the other students went inside, would you like to walk in together?" Tsubaki suggested

"Yeah sure, I mean, i'd look a lot cooler walking in not all alone and whatever." You grinned

"Let's go!" Black*Star exclaimed and rushed into the building with Tsubaki and you trailing behind

End Of Memory!

You heard some of the others outside saying things to each other. You looked over to the door seeing some of the others peaking in.

oscar got bored☺ *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now