[Z Nation] 10ᴋ x Reader

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The road was empty and covered in dirt specs. There were only cacti and desert around you. Somehow you'd all ended up in Arizona, and it pissed you off. Andy was talking with Doc while Roberta looks around for shelter. Murphy just kept ranting and complaining like he always did. Only this time, it was about you.

"Thank L/n's shit direction skills for causing us to end up here." He points out

You grit your teeth as you grip tightens around your gun. You weren't sure if it was just one of those days or the fact that you were starving, tired, and sick.

You'd grown up near a nuclear power plant pre-Z and ended up with radiation sickness. Somehow you'd pulled through it, but the effects were still there. For whatever reason.

"It's so amazing how one kid can screw up the entire operation." He continues

Your breathing gets heavy and loud. You couldn't help that the map was wrong. It was only a world map after all. Warren quickly takes notice and decides to take action.

"Murphy!" Roberta growls

"What? They're incompetent!" He argues

You can't hold back anymore. You slap him across the face, grab him by collar and slam against a nearby road sign.

"F/n, down!" Warren shouts at you

"Now listen here you stuck up piece of shit," You spit "All you are is just some random prisoner who got lucky and ended up with a get out of jail free card. And that is all you'll ever be in my eyes. I don't give a shit if you're gonna save the world. You can take your glory and shove it up your ass for all I care."

He stares at you in surprise, everyone does. You'd never been hostile to anyone on the team before. Sure you and Murphy had your arguments and quarrels but they were never this aggressive.

"I swear to whatever God there is that is putting me through your shit, that if we don't get to California soon, that I will kill you. Fuck humanity, fuck this mission and fuck you Alvin."

You push him away and storm off up the road. Everyone stares at Murphy with their own expressions as silence falls over the group.

"Nice going Murphy." Doc says knowingly

Addy and Doc go running off after you, shouting your name. But you just keep walking. Murphy watches you walk away with a blank expression. Roberta glares at him and points at you, silently shouting at him to go apologize.

"Alright, Alright geez." He says "I'll go talk to them."

10k puts a hand on Murphy's shoulder, stopping him. 

"No," 10k speaks up "I will,"

He follows you until he finds you sitting on the side of the road, Andy and Doc nowhere in sight. He decides it's best not to question. You quietly drink some of your water and stare into the blank desert. 10k sits beside you and leans back on his palms. 

"You didn't have to." You point out

"What do you mean?" He looks over at you raising an eyebrow

"I'd of come back. You didn't have to come looking for me." 

"I wanted to." He says quietly

You lay your head on his shoulder and relax.

"How did you put up with him for so long?" You question

"Patience. Lots and lots of patience." He replies

You laugh at this and look up at him with a smile. Once you quiet down you turn to him. 

"Sorry I got you guys lost" You apologize

"You didn't get us lost, it was a world map." He points out

"Still, being the only mechanic/navigator I could've done better"

"I think you did just fine." He whispers

He leans down and pecks your lips. Your face heats once you pull away. You look down shyly. His hand touches your chin and lifts it up.

"I love yo-" You're both interrupted

"Even in the apocalypse teenagers still find time to be hormonal" Murphy points out from behind you

You go to stand up but 10k pulls you back down.


"I wasn't gonna kill him" You whine "Just knock him around a bit."

Warren chuckles at this.

oscar got bored☺ *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now