[Homestuck] Tavros x Reader

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Girl You Make Me Shy, Like Shyer then Normal

Tavros was not exactly the type to talk much or really be obnoxiously social like the other trolls you knew. It was kinda cute. He had his share of fangirls and fanboys like most of the others did. You liked that about him, you always have. You on the other hand, were very shy and refused to socialize with anyone except your moirails Nepeta and him. Not to mention you were VERY insecure.

You blush slightly as you make eye contact with him, standing in his doorway. He smiles his same goofy smile and steps aside to let you in. He'd recently gotten some robot legs from Nepeta's buddy Equius. You were so happy for him too.

You walk inside the hive and once he shuts the door you launch a hug at him, grinning and giggling quietly. He returns it, hugging you tightly. You look up at him as he looks down at you.

"I'm so happy for you Tavvy!" You exclaim in your normal soft voice

Tavros blushes a slight brown being the bashful thing he always was. His goofy smile widens as he nods in agreement with you.

"i'M, uH, pRETTY HAPPY ABOUT IT TOO [F/N]." He says

You let go of him and start walking into the living room. He touches his cheeks, feeling the warmth radiating from them. He follows after you with his heart racing a mile a minute. He was so flushed for you it was kinda driving him crazy. He had tried to tell you so many times but he never really found his courage. You sit down at his table and pull out your deck of cards. You start shuffling them and Tavros stares as you skillfully shuffle them. You look up at Tavros and blush a dark pink.

"I-Is something wrong Tavros?" You ask quietly

He looks at you and then to the deck of cards, then back at you, then to your deck, then you, then the deck and so on. You look away, flustered as you continue shuffling. He takes a deep breath, deciding to go for it.

"[f/N], uH, cAN I, uH, tELL YOU SOMETHING?" He asks quietly

You look back up at him and set the cards face down on the table. You nod and smile politely at him. Now, you may h

"i, uH, i REALLY LIKE, uH, tHAT'S A NICE SHIRT." He stumbles around for words

You look down at your shirt, slightly disappointed at his words. It was a Legend of Troll Zelda shirt. He'd gotten it for you for your birthday last year. You look back up at him and smile.

"Thanks Tavros, but you should know since you got it for me." You giggle

He rubs the back of his neck "uH, yEAH.."

He sits down at the table and you deal the cards, being as it was a regular card deck.


You smile and nod, it was your favorite card game of all time. Tavros looks up at you again.

"[f/N], uH, yOU KNOW THAT, uH, wASN'T REALLY WHAT I WANTED TO TELL YOU.." He randomly points out

You remain focused on the game but still nod.

"I know." You say

He sets the cards down as he lets his hand overlap yours. Your heart starts up again as you look up at him. He stands up and leans over the table to you. He closes his eyes as his lips come in contact with yours. You blush again and close yours as well. Your hand touches his cheek as you both pull away.


His cheeks tint a dark brown as you nod and smile, leaning in to kiss him again. You giggle and wrap your arms around him, pressing your cheek against his. He smiles his goofy smile again and hugs you back, tightly.

oscar got bored☺ *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now