[Hetalia] France x Reader |Song-Fic|

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Pulled this from Quotev. Not mine it's one of the co-authors'

My chest flutters, my heart bounces
In the cityscape of Paris
People walk about with fashionable clothing
And talk of love.

You and France were walking around Paris, which you thought was beautiful considering it was your first time seeing it. " So how is it ma Cherie?" Francis asks, holding your hand. You looked up at him and smiled " It's amazing francey- pants, it's beautiful" his grin widens. You looked around at the people, there was countless people looking around and on the streets, maybe taking a stroll or taking in the beauty of everything around them. You guys kept walking forward while having small chat until there, you see it. The Eiffel tower.

Fine arts, fine dining, words and nature
Just anywhere doesn’t cut it
With an excessively beautiful sigh
Help yourself to a full course

"breathtaking isnt it?" Francis asked while wrapping and arm around you. But you were too busy looking at the tower in front of you, it was amazing. The places around you looked as something like a five star restaurant and the others were great also. As you looked over to a window you couldn't help but see two people just casually drinking wine, looking happy. You smiled at their happiness, then you look over at Francis, he looked happy and you could hear him hum a small tune.

s'il vous plait
If you just take one sip of wine
An irresistible world will spread throughout your mouth
Immediately, the tricolor appears!

You tried to make out what he was humming but you couldn't really so you just left it at that he was just humming a song of some sort. A you looked in front of you you saw a faint french flag in the distance, all red, white, and blue, as you kept walking he pulled you closer to him, making you smile a bit. Now you could here what he was humming as if he was humming it even louder than before. Almost as if he was going to break out in singing. Well, he almost did.

Ah, worldwide à la mode
No matter the era, no one can keep up
Ah, with overflowing sense
I’m one step ahead—yes, I’m the expéditeur
I’ll tell you the source of philanthropy, freedom, and equality
I want to go through, I want to go through, I want to go through…!
The rendezvous of love 

It almost looked like he had a skip in his step as he sang it and a twirl, making you giggle a little. He looked at you, still singing the last part with a smile then giving you a kiss, which you gladly kissed back. After the lack of air you both separated, a slight blush on your face. " You look cute when you blush" he teased, lightly pinching you cheeks making the blush bigger, giving a little pout.

“Ahh… the me that’s reflected in la Seine is as gorgeous as ever!"

You two were also near La Seine also, looking over at it you saw both of you guys's reflection in the water. You smiled a bit. " Everything in Paris is so beautiful" he smiled "not as much as moi ma Cherie" striking a small pose" You laughed, " you wish"

Continuing to provide beauty
To the world at all times
Such an elegant being
Is none other than moi, big brother France 

He just laughed a long with you, as you guys continued to walk. It was sometime in the afternoon and you could say you haven't ate anything yet. You just decided to play it off as if your not hungry as you guys walked around, then Francis just went to ask the question, " Are you hungry (y/n)?" as he looked over to you. You shook your head no with a smile but oh no, you wouldn't be left that easily, your stomach decided to growl there. You blushed in embarrassment as he chuckled taking the sign that you actually were hungry. He led you to a restaurant close to where you two were. You smiled a little, it looked a little fancy but not really.  You guys were sat somewhere close to the windows in the front, while on the table was champagne. You have never really tried it before so why not now? After you and Francis had your food decided on you talked a bit. "So how is Paris?" your smile widened if possible. "It's amazing! I have always wanted to see Paris and now i could thank to you Francey pants! thank you" he stretched his hand over to yours and held it i his hand, "Anything for you ma cherie" to then proceed to kiss your hand.

s'il vous plait
Tilt your champagne glass
And dine on some fine cuisine with me
Immediately, the tricolor appears!

Your food just came as you were going to ask the question that was on your head since that singing, " what was the song you were humming?" you asked him, " It's about Paris, I just thought it fit into this" he said, you nodded "can you sing it again?" You said before you even caught yourself saying it, " I mean- if you want to!" he smiled, and nodded. Singing the song again.

Ah, worldwide à la mode
No matter the era, it’s everyone’s aspiration
Ah, with a sense of preeminence
I draw out my history—yes, I’m the précurseur
Passing through the Champs-Élysées
The histoire d'amour begins anew 

His singing was amazing in your opinion, and in no time, you were mesmerized by his singing. "I like the song" you said with a small smile, still thinking about it. " Would you want to hear the last part?" he asked after taking a bite from his food. You nodded enthusiastically. Your excitement just made you more adorable in his eyes, as much as it made his love for you even more strong. He loves more than anything in the entire world, and he wouldn't have anything else as you also thought of him. You just thought, 'wait, thats going to be the end of the song?' clearly not wanting it to end.  As he started singing you went back into that trance as before.

Ah, le mondial symbole d'amour
From now on, no one can keep up
Ah, I engulf everything
With transcendental love—yes, it’s tout-puissant
I’ll tell you the source of philanthropy, freedom, and equality
I want to go through, I want to go through, I want to go through…!
The rendezvous of love 

You closed your eyes, concentrating on how it sounds and how it sounds amazing. You even found yourself humming the melody since you thought it was kind of catchy but also because you just already loved the entire song even if the beginning was just him humming it and you couldnt hear him. As he ended the last song he heard you hum the melody, making him smile, tightening his grip on your hand and rubbing his thumb on your hand.
You hummed louder as people began to hear you and look back at you two to listen. As you finished you opened your eyes to hear clapping. You blushed a deep red as you tried to cover your face with your hair. Francis moved your hair and gently took your chin to have you look up at him. He had a soft smile, "You sounded like an angel mon petite ange" You blushed a little more, but he still leaned in and captured your lips in a sweet, loving kiss. You wrapped your arms around him as you both heard a couple 'awe's' in the crowd.
That was official. You really need to go to Paris, the city of love, more often~

hope you like it!
ma cherie: my sweetheart
mon petite ange: my little angel
moi: me
i just found the translation somewhere so the translation belongs to its rightful owners~

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