Hetalia x Reader Crap

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You sit quietly painting to your favorite music playing nicely in the background. You let it guide your brush strokes with no clue of what you'll end up with. So far it was a foreat with a beautiful night time galaxy sky.

Your country, known as [country's name] was a large nation consisting of a few tiny islands surrounding it. Your country was prided on its culture, which was filled with the strong influence of not only it's arts, but it's government and education.

You smile as you finish the painting, stepping back and admiring it. You do a small jig before turning around and shut the radio off, getting a few colors of paint on it. You wipe your hands off with an old hand towel so the wet paint was gone. You'd have to shower later, you noted.

Your front door burst open and you jumped with a squeal. You dropped the towel and stumbled back only to slip on it, your elbow going through your masterpiece. The loud thundering of running steps up your stairs and into the room you were in. America slid in happily. 

"HEY [COUNTRY NAME] I BROUGHT MCDONALDS" He proclaimed, holding up the bag in a victorious pose.

He notices you on the floor, a broken painting on the floor face down, a dirty rag on your radio, paint brushes and paints everywhere.

"Dude, you okay?" He asked, concerned

"You stme artled me America! I thought someone broke in and.. and-"

"Whoa Whoa Whoa! Slow down! Let's just enjoy some burgers." He interrupted

Germany then steps in, with a furrowed brow. Followed by Japan, who peaks in worried.

"[country name]-san what happened?" Japan asked

"America just startled me is all." you say awkwardly

Germany brushes past America and extends a hand out to you. You take it and he pulls you up to your feet. You brush yourself off.

"Thank you." You say calmly "Now, pass me that burger."

America grins and sets the bag on a counter, pulling one out. He passes it to you and you unwrap it, taking a bite. He pulls out more and passes them to Germany and Japan.

"Vat is zis for?" Germany asks

"You hungry?" America asks

"Ja." He replies

"Then eat it! It's really good!" America insists

Germany takes a bite and cringes but he melts into it. Mentally planning himself an intense workout afterwards from the pounds he's probably gaining.

You smile and unwrap your burger as well, taking a large bite out of it.

oscar got bored☺ *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now