[One Punch Man] Genos x Reader |Friend-Shot|

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Robots Are Incapable Of Love So This Is A Friend-Shot
I Am Machine - Three Days Grace

You were very different from most people. Unlike most people, you had no friends. Unlike most people, you had never expirenced joy as a child. Unlike most people, you were very miserable because your life was the exact definition of misery. You were alone and lived in a small shabby apartment in City Y. But it never really bothered you nor did it occur to you how life sucked, because you were too positive about everything.

Why you had no friends then you ask? Because they can't handle how happy you are all the time especially when you're supposed to be sad. You never cry at funerals or frown. You smile.

Or at least that's what they happen to believe.

You, [f/n] [l/n] have never once been happy in your life. You only fake it because you don't want anyone knowing that you are extremely weak on the inside. The only people who need to know this are your parents and the string of therapists you have to visit daily. You work at a cute little mini-mart a little ways off City Y. But you also happen to be an A-Class hero. With your remarkable speed and cyborg arm which makes you very strong. However, you also share quite a bit of intelligence in that wonderful mind of yours.

You sigh as you sit at the counter, rolling a stray quarter from your tip box on the desk. You suddenly hear the little bell chime, signaling someone had just entered the store. You look up, seeing some bald headed bozo walk in. You huff and put on a smile.

"Welcome to mini-mart. How can I assist you today?" You say, gritting your teeth

"Well I heard that you happen to have some GREAT deals so I came to check them out."

"Oh, okay." You nod

He begins walking around, his jumped around at the really low prices on the food excitedly. The bell chimes again and you look up seeing a cyborg walk in. Your jaw drops, as does the coin. Wow, he looked very.. HOT. You straighten up and hop over the counter to greet him.

"Uh.. hi.." You say "I'm [f/n]"

You extend your robotic hand out to him, gesturing for him to shake it.

"Genos." He replies bluntly

He takes your hand and shakes it firmly. You feel your cheeks heat up as you stare into his black and gold eyes. The bald guy walks over to you both.

"Master Saitama" Genos bows

"SO [f/n] huh? I've heard about you around the hero association. You're a class-A right?" Saitama questions

"Yeah" You nod. "I don't have many fans but its nice to meet one once in awhile"

"Oh I never said I was a fan I just asked if you were who I thought you were" He corrects

You chuckle "Yeah I know that. All my fans are over in America."

"Oh." Genos cuts in

You turn to him and raise an eyebrow. Saitama disappears behind the shelves to continue shopping for items. You engage Genos in a conversation that ends up with you exchanging numbers. Turns out you have a lot in common with him...

oscar got bored☺ *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now