[OHSHC] Tamaki x Reader

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Doesn't follow le original storyline at all and is SO poorly written. Then again it's around 4 in the morning so whatever. I'll come back and adjust it probably.

Back Again

The violin is a beautiful instrument in your opinion. It was an escape and a coping mechanism. Which is why you carried it everywhere with you.

"R/n give it back!" You whine to her

Man you hated how she was so much taller then you were. She smirks down at your panicking and sweating form.

"Not unless you come to the host club with me." She teases

Tears well up in your eyes as you continue jumping. You stomp your foot and bite your quivering lip.

"I told you I don't want to.."

R/n notices that she has messed up. She gives you your violin and hugs you tightly. You sniffle as she jokingly pecks your forehead. Since she was a grade higher than you she seemed more like mom than a friend at times.

"Please just this once..?" She continued prodding

You step back, wiping your tears on the sleeve of your long sleeved black shirt. You give a soft sigh and nod.

"I-I guess I'll go." You finally agree

She jumps up in joy, squealing. You smile at this, deciding to ignore the ugly natured stares of those around you. R/n grabs your hand and begins dragging you somewhere.

"Let's go then!" She chirps

"W-what? Why now? R-R/n!" You try to protest but fail

The door to music room #3 is practically kicked open and you are practically thrown in. Your face is greeted by rose petals that make your nose, cheeks, and the tips of your ears redden. You hide behind your friend shyly.

"Why hello there my beautiful R/n~" A soft voice greets

R/n giggles into her other hand, blushing as well.

"Who's that behind you R/n?" A couple of voices ask in sync

"Oh!" She perks up, having been reminded of her mission

She turns around to gently pull you in front of her, only to realize you're trying to get out of this already. She frowns at this but grabs your hand and twirls you back into the room.

"This is my best friend F/n! This is her first time at the host club!" R/n explains

Oh dear, you always were terribly shy. In fact, it was a miracle you'd acquired a friend like R/n in the first place. Of course, she had done all the talking which might explain why.

"Why, hello there, my lovely princess~! Welcome to the Ouran Host Club~!" A blonde boy with mesmerizing eyes exclaims

Oh, so he was the one wooing R/n a couple seconds ago.

"Now, what would your type be~?"

"M-My type?" You repeat wearily

oscar got bored☺ *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now