[Dream Daddy] Dads x Reader

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Idgaf what gender you are because you're a dad also I didn't listen to this song so sorry if this doesn't work for the oneshots but whatever
-end of discussion-

Rihanna ft Drake - Work

You tiredly stumble into your house, and fumble around the wall to the right of the front door for the light switch, quietly muttering curses to yourself. Like come on, light switches shouldn't be this hard to find.

You fumble for a few more minutes before the light is turned on, which is weird since you didn't find the light switch-

"[Name]. We need to discuss some things." Hugo begins

You finally turn, noticing Hugo by the light switch on the other side of the door. Silently you wonder why it's over there whilst you direct your attention into your living room. You stare in confusion and curiosity at your neighbors and fellow dads as they sit in a semi-circle of chairs. Everyone seemed to be present too, including Robert and Damien. This was.. interesting.

"What's all.. this?" You ask, taking a moment to gesture to them

Hugo removes his glasses and cleans them off on his shirt as he makes his way back to his seat.

"We need to talk." Joseph reiterates Hugo's statement

You anxiously glance down at your watch. You needed to be ready and present at your next job in 20 minutes. You didn't have time for whatever this was that your friends were doing.

"I can't. I have to work. Can we do a raincheck"

"Oh no you don't, bro."

You start to hurry off to your room but you're stopped when youre picked up and carried back by Craig. You pound on his back weakly.

"Craig! Put me down! I can't do this right now!"

"Not until we talk." Robert states firmly

"We.. we uh.. need to seriously talk about this." Mat insists

Craig sets you back on you feet and you stand before the circle of men. You yawn softly and rub your eyes. Everyone can't help but acknowledge the concerningly dark circles under them.

"What do you mean?"

"This!" Craig gestures to you

You look down at your uniform from your 3rd job at the supermarket. It was a pretty basic shirt. You had a shirt that was blue on one side and red on the other, your kakis, your name tag, and a pair of running shoes you never used for running.

"It's just work clothes. Is it really that bad?" You ask

You rub your eyes once more, desperately trying not to fall asleep in your chair. You needed coffee, stat.

"Bro, you're missing the point!" Craig exclaims

"You're overworking yourself!" Joseph complains

"It's not secret that you are quite exhausted, [Name]" Damien inquires

Finally, what they were doing clicks. You can't help but just sit back and take a moment to soak that up. Brian scoots over to you and places a gentle hand on your knee.

"We know that you're trying your best to make sure that Amanda's college is paid for, but overworking yourself does nothing."

You chuckle softly to yourself at this situation. Everyone was so concerned.

"Sorry that I'm making you all worry." You apologize "But really, I'm okay."

"You're not." Robert cuts in

"Remember what you told me about taking time to relax, bro?" Craig begins "What you need, is to do something for yourself."

"Craig, come on, sleeping won't pay for Amanda's college. This is her dream."

"[Name]. I think she'll be okay if you took a week off." Hugo argues

"Amanda is a smart girl, it won't hurt her. It's not like you pay each day." Brian adds

You sigh and pull out your phone. Despite your hesitation and gut feelings, you dial up your job. Everyone stares at you intently as you walk over to your kitchen.

"Hey, listen I can't come in tonight. I'm sick."

"Exhaustion finally got to you, huh?" Antonio, your Co-worker asks

You yawn "I'll be in tomorrow.."

"You don't have work tomorrow." Your manager, chimes in

"Dammit." You curse "Stop switching my schedules."

"Hey, you need the sleep." She argues

"Anyway, yeah, we'll have someone else come in or whatever. Remember that you don't have work for the rest of the week though."


Antonio hangs up the phone and you set it down. A hand is placed on your shoulder and you turn around to see your fellow dads. They all look proud and relieved.

"That was a lot easier then I expected." Damien sighs

"Hey, go easy on em, bro." Craig chuckles

"He/She did good." Brian smiles

Mat just quietly sighs in relief, Hugo beams at you, and everyone just relaxes immensely. Robert walks over to you and pats you on the back.

"Now go get some sleep. We'll show ourselves out."

You nod and head off to your bedroom, not realizing that they each took shifts throughout the night to make sure you stayed in home.

oscar got bored☺ *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now