[South Park] Bebe x Female!Reader

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Who I Am
Metro Station - She Likes Girls

Everyone is always flirting with you because you're one of the prettiest girls in South Park. Whether you agreed with it or not, it didn't matter.

You nervously fidget and twiddle your thumbs from where you sat in class. Occasionally you offer a sneaky glance at your crush, Bebe Stevens. Yep, you were a lesbian (or bisexual if you swing that way. I got chu bro). She was over talking with Bebe and the other girls. Someone suddenly slings an arm around your shoulder, making you jump from surprise. You turn to meet the piercing blue eyes of Kenny McCormick who grins at you proudly. Kenny was your best friend which made things easier because people didn't pick up on the fact that you were a lesbians thanks to how you hang around him.

"Just go for it." He nudges

You look down at your desk with a soft sigh. You swallow hard, trying to contain your awkwardness for a moment.

"She wouldn't say yes, Kenny."

"Come on F/n, you've liked her since the 5th grade."

"S-So? That doesn't mean anything!"

You flail your arms around dramatically. Kenny just rolls his eyes and grabs you by the hand, pulling you out of your seat. You protest and argue against his actions but it starts to draw a bit to much attention. He stands you by the other girls and waves at Wendy and a couple others.

"Hey Kenny." Bebe greets


He motions over to you and Bebe let's out a dumb sounding 'oh'. She gets down from the desk she sat on and hugs you.

"Hey girl," She chimes

You can't even blubber out a response because of how close she was to you. Kenny snickers and pats your back. He pulls Bebe off to the side, saying something to her. Wendy taps your shoulder and you turn to her.

"You have our support F/n."


"It's obvious you like Bebe, girl. I mean really everyone knows."

You cover your face in your hands, shaking and trembling nervously.

"What if she rejects me! Wh-What if she doesn't think I'm good enough-"

"I wouldn't reject you." Bebe chimes in

You yelp in pure surprise and spin around to face Bebe.


Kenny smacks you upside the head as if trying to fix a vending machine that wouldn't give him his food. You snap out of it quickly.


"Of course, it took you long enough"

She pulls you into a tight hug and you're face burns. Bebe tilts your head up and pecks your lips. It just felt.. Right.


"Shut up fatboy!"

oscar got bored☺ *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now