Oscar's Universe x Reader crap

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You pass by the playground, smiling at the kids all playing together and chasing each other around, playing tag.

"Hey look who it is! It's the freakshow!"

You pause and turn around, spotting some young boy's approaching another boy. One shoves the kid to the ground and laughs with his friends. You practically rip out your earbuds and sprint over.

"Hey!" You shout

The kids jump in surprise as you kneel down by the crying child. You sit them up and hug them to your chest.

"Who do you kids think you are, just bullying some defenseless kid?"

"He started it!"

You look down at the small boy and pet his hair in an effort to calm him down. A woman strolls over, looking concerned. The boys run away once they spot her.

"Mom!" The boy exclaims

He runs to her and hugs her leg. The woman stands before you with wide eyes. She kneels down and hugs her son, still watching you.

"Th-thank you so much.."

She clearly wasn't from around here because she spoke somewhat broken English. You put a hand on her shoulder and smile.

"It was the right thing to do."

You smile in a warm way, the woman straightens up and takes her sons hand before hurrying off. You wave goodbye to her. Someone places a hand on your shoulder, causing you to turn around. You stare at the brunette in a bright blue sweatshirt that you'd never met before.

"That was really awesome." He cheers

"It was just the right thing to do, no big deal." You shrug

"Pfft, you're so casual." He giggles "Anyway, my name is Oscar."

He extends his hand out to you with a bright smile. You accept it with a mirror smile.

"I'm F/n."

He wraps his arm around your neck and turns his body so he can stand beside you. He giggles even more at your reaction.

"We should be friends."

"Sure." You agree


Oscar waves his hand around like a maniac at a group of boys. They turn to him and make their way over. You feel pretty awkward at this point, but power through it anyway.

"They saved some kid from bullies." Oscar explains

"You and your 'making friends with strangers' thing." One sighs

He adjusts his glasses and uncrosses his arms from his chest.

"My name is Maxwell."

A blonde haired boy shoves Oscar away by his cheek with a cocky closed-eye smirk.

"Uwaahhh!" Oscar exclaims

He wraps his arm around your waist and holds you close, taking Oscar's spot beside you. Oscar flails his arms around, whining like a child.

"Yo, my name is Kaiine, but you can call me tonight."

"...okay then?"

"Kai-kun, leave them be." A stoic and tall boy commands

"But Nao-chan!" He whines

A raven haired boy tries to stifle his laughter in his hand. He snorts quietly, holding his stomach tightly.

"It's Naoki." He corrects

"hmm.. I like Nao-chan better."

Naoki rolls his eyes at his friend's childish behavior. Max adjusts his glasses once more, with a soft growl. Kaiine lets go of you begrudgingly and pouts. Oscar goes back to clinging to you.

A black haired boy nudges you from your other side.

"Call me Daichi, botan."

You cock an eyebrow at him. But you can't help but notice the
tall blue haired boy peaks out from behind Naoki. Max points at him with his thumb.

"That's Takayuki."

"From the basketball team?" You inqure

"Yep." Naoki nods curtly

"Oh of course you know him!" Kaiine exclaims, jealous

He stomps his foot with a huff, crossing his arms over his chest in a childish manor as he pouts. You chuckle at this, staring at the [shorter/taller] boy as he whined. Daichi ruffles his hair.

"Now, now, don't be like that."

Kaiine sticks his tongue out, causing a vein to pop up from Daichi's forehead as he grimaces.

"You're 16 Kaiine, stop acting like a 5 year old."

Oscar giggles quietly at this alongside the other boys. Save for Naoki who just stands there with his hands in his jeans pockets.

What did you just get yourself into?

oscar got bored☺ *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now