11. Broken Heart [Shownu]

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A/N: another sad story guys;) this story is dedicated to boyfriendshownu


You were bored. You had no fun. You expected him to give you happiness but it all ended in a short while. You tapped your nail onto your desk as time passed by. Abundance of thoughts gushed through your mind. 'Does Shownu even love me? Why wouldn't he speak up? Do I always have to be the one to lead? What is my existence in his life, seriously?'you thought.

You've never asked him.

Shownu was a typical type of guy whom you met through Maths class. He was an introvert but yet, his presence was always known. You were curious of him back then. About the way he talks, his type of girl and his favourite subject. You had a massive crush on him. You took a step forward by confronting him. You told him how you felt about him and that you were interested in knowing him more. You didn't know if he felt the same way because he simply agreed to be a special someone in your life.

Sometimes, you don't even feel like he was your boyfriend.

Both of you were total opposites. Shownu being the introvert and you being the extrovert. You enjoyed socialising with people and doing fun stuff but Shownu was just too calm, as if he had cherophobia. In the relationship, you were the gentleman one. The one that leads instead of Shownu.

"Oi,"you heard a knock on the door.

You clicked your head to the tall figure. You weren't hoping for Shownu because he never seemed to answer any of your calls nor respond your messages on that day. You watched as Minho sauntered to your desk and sat on the vacant table of your tablemate. Minho and you were friends. Not to mention that he was one of the people whom you rejected. You didn't know if he still likes you and you decided, you do not want to care about it.

"Waiting for Shownu?"he cocked a brow.

You nodded your head fatiguely. To your astonishment, Minho placed his bag on your desk and laid down on it. You blinked your eyes continously when he faced you with his head resting on his palm of his right elbow.

"What's wrong? Did you guys argue?"asked Minho.

You were flustered when he actually noticed that you were having a problem despite you not saying anything to him.

"Its not like that,"you mumbled while fiddling Minho's bag strap.

You heaved a sigh. "I always doubt our relationship. He doesn't seem to talk to me at all nor start a conversation. All I wanted from him was just his attention. It's not like I'm asking for branded bags or jewels."

Minho hummed in response. He jolted up from the table and leaped off. He then carried your bag and slung it over his right shoulder.

"Let's have fun. I'll treat you,"he said as he bellowed you to stand up from your chair.

"You're only gonna treat me just for today? Thats sucks,"you scoffed as you straightened your uniform. Minho slung his arm over your shoulder and strangled you.

"ACHK! YAH!!"you slapped his arm multiple times.

He stuck his tongue out and dragged you out of the class. In the end, he didn't let go of your neck. However, you didn't realise that Shownu witnessed everything.


Minho and you went to the arcade and spent coins playing the claw machine, the car game, the basketball game and the shooting game. Lastly, the both of you went over to the baseball game where a large screen was infront the both of you. Once the ball is thrown at you, you have to swing your bat and hit the ball with the right momentum.

You kept failing to hit the ball.

"Yah, does this game has a problem with me?"you huffed. Minho pushed himself away from the wall and sauntered over to you.

"No one likes you,"he joked.

You swung the bat towards him to threaten him. He dodged with his eyes bulged open as if his eyeballs could come out from its socket.

"Come, let the expert teach you."

Minho took part in the baseball club and even represented the school so you didn't mind. To your astonishment, he wrapped his arms over you and held your hand together which was grabbing the bat. Your cheeks flushed in red and you felt your stomach squirming.

"You have to bend your knees a little bit. Once the ball comes to you, you swing the bat like this,"explained Minho as he swung the bat together with you. In the end, you managed to hit the ball. You weren't that joyful when you succeeded because all in your mind was the position both of you were in. Minho clicked his head to you and at the same time, you did. It was a big mistake.

Both your faces were so close and you could feel his breathe. Minho scrutinized your face starting from your eyes and then, onto your lips. You froze in place. You weren't like this when you were with Shownu. You didn't feel butterflies nor feel a tingling sensation in your heart. It all happened at once with Minho, someone whom you rejected just for Shownu.

Minho's face inched closer to yours but he halted when a familiar voice called your name.


You clicked your head to the right and saw Shownu standing there with gritted teeth and clenched fist. You immediately pushed Minho away and flipped your hair to the back. Shownu marched to you and glared at Minho before landing his eyes on you. You had never see him so mad before and when he called your name, it was the first time you heard him said it out loud.

"Go,"ordered Shownu with sternly. He was clearly referring to Minho.

"I said go!"he repeated once more with a raised voice. You got startled. Minho clicked his tongue and left the both of you alone. Just then, Shownu seized your wrist and dragged you out of the arcade. He brought you to a corridor near the staircase. He let go of your wrist and locked gazes with you.

"What were you thinking?"questioned Shownu with a glint of disappointment laced in his voice.

"What was I thinking? I was thinking if I really mean anything to you,"you answered with a poker face.

Shownu furrowed his eyebrows.

"Where were you when I needed you? Why won't you answer my calls and messages? Are you really a man? If you're a real man, why does it feel like I'm the only one leading this relationship? Why can't you talk to me?"you bombarded questions and jabbed your finger on Shownu's chest. He got flustered and couldn't help but stammered.


"All I needed was your attention but, I don't get that from you. You know, I don't know if I can call this a relationship between the two of us,"you added.

"No I-"

You interrupted Shownu once more. "I made my decision. You can leave now and go far away from me. There's nothing between us anymore."

Shownu only glued his eyes onto the marble floor. You chuckled seeing his unexpected reaction.

"You don't even stop me when I said that so how can I be with you?"you scoffed and left Shownu there. As you exited the staircase, tears started brimming in your eyes and your heart throbbed. You wanted to be far away from Shownu.


A/N: this girl is so blind. She doesnt know how precious Shownu is. My poor Shownu.

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