47. If Only [I.M]

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This is dedicated to Syaerys . I hope you like this :)


You positioned yourself infront of the bureau mirror and took inventory. You would first apply foundation to conceal any blemishes, then a brown shade of eyeshadow on your eyelids for a natural look. Afterwards, you coated your eyelash with everlasting mascara and finished with a lipstick the colour of pomegranate seeds.

Your lips tugged upwards, finding the right angle. You tucked in your black fitting top into your denim skirt, showing the curves of your body. Truth be told, you wouldn't go to the extent of wearing such skimpy clothes but you believed that men prefers women with beautiful curves. Furthermore, all of this preparation was just for him; your first love.

Once done, you combed your wavy brown hair with your fingers and headed out of home. You arrived at college by bus and fate seems to be in your way. At the same time you alighted the vehicle, he was there with his usual earpiece plugged into his ears. A wide grin plastered on your face and you jogged after him.

"Hi Changkyun!"you waved your hands hysterically.

He glanced over to his right and averted his gaze away afterwards. You pouted and grabbed his earpiece, inserting one into your left ear. The music he was listening to was a blasted techno music. You flinched upon the resonation but your frown faded in a flash and was replaced with a warm smile.

"The music is cool!"you commented with a thumbs up and bobbed your head along to the rhythm. In actual fact, you preferred ballad.

Changkyun pulled the earpiece from your ear and sauntered ahead, leaving you behind. It was normal. He was always cold to you. You trailed behind him and scrutinized him from head to toe. He was the epitome of perfection. He was rather slim and his height was normal. His fluffy black hair, his chic choice of fashion and his deep husky voice was the death of you. You couldn't get enough of his voice. Whenever words slipped out of his mouth, your heart tend to skip a beat.

You clicked your head up when a heavy weight landed on your shoulders. You met gazes with Changkyun's friend, Jaehyun. Ever since you liked Changkyun, you bumped into him more often. Furthermore, Jaehyun was the perfect person who knows Changkyun best.

"Any progress?"he smiled.

"Of course not,"you pouted. "But it's okay. I will keep trying."

Jaehyun's arm swung back to his side and he put in both his hands into his pocket. He heaved a sigh as the both of you watched Changkyun from afar.

"I'm not supposed to say this but, he broke up a few months ago because his girlfriend ended up losing feelings for him. I'm not sure if he's over it by now so it'll be hard to please him,"blurted Jaehyun.

Your face darkened. You never knew the after effect of breaking up nor did you had any dating experience. Perhaps Changkyun has not put any attention on you because he has yet to move on.

"If I were him, I would already date a beautiful woman like you but you only have eyes for Changkyun so, I'll give up."

Jaehyun smiled as if his feelings weren't affected. You got flabbergasted upon his blunt confession. He chuckled and ambled past you, leaving you behind. 'What is wrong with people leaving me behind at the pavement?'you thought.


You sat by the benches, pouting as you watched your classmates lapping back and forth the pool. Unfortunately, you had a period on that day. However, beholding you was a nice view. You were able to watch Changkyun with his toned abs. You couldn't help but admire everything about him. He overtook the others and managed to finish his laps faster than the rest.

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