68. By My Side [Shownu]

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A/N: this is dedicated to chanlix_dimples tysm for requesting :) i hope you like this!


Finally, the day that everyone have been dreading was here. The final day to determine the debut line up for Starship's new boy group in the survival program, No Mercy. Last night, Shownu called you and he was constantly in search for a sign that he would be alright. You assured him that he would definitely have the chance to debut because his efforts were always consistent and you knew very well he's resilient.

That day, you decided to bring along your son, Woobin, who was only one year old. Shownu has been living in the dorm with the other trainees and the show had made him so busy with continuous mission to prove his ability. You understood he wouldn't have the time to visit you and Woobin so you stayed over at your mother's house for the time being.

You carried Woobin in your arms and a staff happened to recognize you as Shownu's wife. When news of Shownu being married and having a child came out, he received many comments that were rather harsh. They mentioned he should focus his priority on you and Woobin but you didn't mind at all because you knew how much he loved you and Woobin. Atleast, there were a group who supported him for his courage and extraordinary talent.

"It's so nice to meet you! You're coming to visit Shownu right?"asked the female staff as she caressed Woobin's cheeks.

"Where is he?"

"He's at the waiting room. I'll bring you there,"she offered to guide you. You thanked and bowed at her for lending a helping hand. She brought you to a black coated door with the words 'Waiting Room' engraved on a gold plate. She knocked and opened the door for you, motioning you to enter the room. You bowed at her one last time and peered your head into the room.

Everyone gasped seeing you but their eyes turned even wider when they saw an adorable baby in your arms. Shownu stood there motionless, his eyes and mouth were frozen wide open in an expression of stunned surprise. You flashed a genuine smile at everyone but your lips grew wider when you exchanged gazes with Shownu, whom you've never met for a long time. You missed him and so did he.

"Oh my gosh! He's so cute!"squealed Minhyuk who was the most ecstatic one. You recognised each one of them since you watched the show regularly.

Shownu was frozen still so you sauntered over to him. Tears welled up in his eyes and you got flustered seeing his reaction. "Why are you-"

Just then, he wrapped his muscular arms around you and Woobin. "I miss you and Woobin so much,"he sobbed as you could feel him tightening the hug. You could hear everyone squealing and admiring the lovable view before them. He pulled away and pecked your forehead before carrying Woobin in his arms. Woobin was already all smile just in Shownu's arms. He showered Woobin with kisses on his forehead, cheeks, nose and lips.

"Awww. Now I feel like having a child,"commented Kihyun as his eyes beamed.

Tears streamed down onto Shownu's cheeks and you wiped his wet tears. "How have you been?"you asked him as you realised how his face had became more defined and skinnier.

"It was tiring but I feel so happy seeing you and Woobin,"he broke into a smile and wrapped his left arm over your shoulders, pulling you closer to his chest. To Shownu, you and Woobin were the perfect bundle of joy. Everyone surrounded the baby and Jooheon cried in joy when Woobin held his index finger with his tiny hand.

"Yah, why are you the one crying?"chuckled Shownu.

"Come on! How can you not adore him? He's so cute! Can I carry him?"Jooheon opened his arms out, already prepared.

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