13. The Boss [Minhyuk]

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A/N: can u imagine Minhyuk being ur boss😍 I would be punctual for work without fail and be a devoted staff😌


You assembled the cloth sample and pasted it down onto your scrapbook. You were in fatigue but you had to get your work done on that day. All the staff members have left and you were the only soul in the office, gathering research and finding the suitable material. You rested your chin on your palm with your mind slowly drifting away. You shook your head vigorously and laid back against the back rest of your arm chair.

You ruffled your hair. You didn't know why your boss puts in so much weight on you. You have been working in the fashion industry for 3 years but ever since Director Lee took over the company, he has been torturing you always. Even the interns could escape his hands and you couldn't.

You rose up from your seat and sauntered over to the coffee vending machine situated in the resting room of the office. As you were about to amble into the room, you saw your boss sitting on the table with his tablet in his hand. The both of you exchanged gazes when he averted his gaze away from the screen.

"I-I'm sorry for disturbing you,"you stammered and was about to walk out but you halted in your track when he called you.

"Come here,"he sounded stern. You bit your lip and sauntered towards him. You wanted to avoid him because he always comes up with unexpected duties for you. You stood near him with your head hung low. He leaped off the table and pulled out a chair for you.

"Sit down,"he ordered.

You felt a little bit uneasy so you sat down reluctantly. To your astonishment, he went over to the vending machine to make coffee for you. He placed the cup of warm coffee infront of you and sat on the table afterwards. You clicked your head up to him and pointed to yourself.

"Is t-this for m-me?"you stuttered.

"Yes. Stop stuttering. Its annoying me,"he glared.

"That was so unsincere,"you mumbled.

"Do you want me to cut your pay?"threatened Director Lee.

Your eyes widened and you waved your hands in denial.

"No no no. Thank you,"you said with a fake smile. You were afraid to drink it. 'What if he poisons me?'you thought. He switched off his tablet and looked over to you.

"Hand in your work to me tomorrow in the morning,"he said.

You gasped. "WHAT?! You told me to hand it in to you by tonight!"

Minhyuk folded his arms and shook his head. "Watch your tone when you're talking to your boss."

You heaved a sigh and massaged your temples. You didn't have the patience. You found it unfair how you were treated differently from the other staff. Morever, your salary is the same amount as the other workers who did lesser work than you. You rose up from your seat and glared at Director Lee.

"Director Lee, am I really not up to your expectation? Am I lacking than the interns? What wrong have I done?"you bombarded questions with clenched fist.

Director Lee folded his arms. He looked straight in your eye and there was a moment of silence. 'What is he hiding?'you thought.

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