41. Now Or Never [Kihyun]

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This is dedicated to TasBria Your request was so detailed honestly HAHA but that's good so I know what you expect. Well, here it is! I hope you like it :)


The members had their gazes fixed on Kihyun. They murmured to one another, commenting on Kihyun's reaction. Kihyun was all smile. He was grinning from ear to ear and which was a purpose for the members to tease him afterwards.

"Your cheeks are gonna tear if you smile like that," teased I.M with his eyes glued on his phone.

Kihyun chuckled and massaged his cheeks. Yet, his smile never disappeared from his face. In fact, his eyes never left your contoured face. Not that he didn't want to contain his feelings but that he couldn't resist it. You slapped his arm, causing Kihyun to hop in place.

"Yah, stop. I have yet to apply blusher but your face has it already," you teased and stopped applying loose powder on him.

You heard the other members stifling their laughter. Their reactions were always tip top. They would boost the entertainment industry due to their potentials in being actors.

"Okay okay. I'll stop," Kihyun surrendered.

You pursed your lips and continued applying the finishing touches before he goes for recording. You patted his shoulder to indicate that he was done with the make-up. Your eyes scanned every member, making sure they were properly groomed for shooting.

"Get ready!" hollered the producer.

The boys proceeded to the shooting area, fixing their pinned mic. You rested with the other stylist by the side but you made sure that your view was not obscured so you are able to watch them film. Once the slate was snapped by a bobbed hair scriptwriter, the members transformed into professional idols.

Your lips tugged upwards as you reminisced your journey with them. You were once jobless due to the overpopulated work force you aspire and thus went through a hard challenge in raising your family but now, you're a make-up artist specifically for Monsta X, a charismatic and talented boy group. Perhaps, luck was on your way because Starship Entertainment was in need of staff members for Monsta X and make-up artist was one of the positions required.

Working with them from debut until today, you became friends with them. Who wouldn't fall for their drastic yet charming personalities and of course, they were gifted with amazing visuals. However, a deep secret kept within you was your fluttering heart for a particular member; a member who you view as an epitome perfection.

"It's Kihyun's turn now," said Shownu.

Yes. Kihyun, is the lucky man.

You folded your arms and watched them. "Alright, are you guys ready?" asked Kihyun as he settled himself down in front of the camera with his back facing it.

His gaze shifted down to the card he was holding which you assumed were the questions and answers.

"Bring it on!" applaud Wonho.

Kihyun cleared his throat and glanced at you before revealing the question. A small smile formed on his lips which transformed your cheeks into rosy pink.

"Okay so this is my question. I find it attractive when this person does what?" he revealed the question.

You flinched when the other members rushed to Kihyun and all of them assumed that Kihyun was referring to one of the members. Jooheon pouted, upset that the question wasn't related to the members. Not only was Jooheon disappointed but the face of the rest fell faster than a loaf removed from the oven too soon. You let out a laugh, seeing their reaction. Kihyun chuckled and decided to give them a hint.

"I never said it was anyone in the group," he added.

"Yah! What wrong have we done to you!?" glared Minhyuk as he threw the pillow at Kihyun.

Kihyun was fast enough to catch the pillow. Despite the argument, the members pushed and shoved each other, trying to make guesses. Regardless of their age, a game wouldn't stop their competitiveness. Your eyes then landed onto I.M who was sneaking around the members.

"You find it attractive when Yasmin..."he blurted out which was audible enough for everyone to hear. You could feel the eyes of the staff in the studio already on you once your name was mentioned. You blinked, unaware of the situation. 'Why do I hear my name?' you thought. Once the bomb was released, the boys transformed into wild animals, trying to catch their prey. They shouted out answers but was always interrupted by abundance of screams so you weren't able to listen. Just then, Hyungwon was able to squeeze through the hectic situation and dragged his feet to Kihyun. Somehow, you were anxious of his response.

"Hyungwon! You find it attractive when Yasmin smiles!"

Your eyes bulged opened and you quickly divert your attention to Kihyun. Kihyun bit his lower lip and took a moment to reply.


You blinked. 'He find me attractive when I smile?' you thought.

"Finally he confessed, sort of."

You clicked to I.M and had your jaw hanging. 'Does that mean that he felt the same feelings as I feel?' you thought.

"Awww does Kihyun like you?" a colleague approached you.

"H-huh?" you stammered with your cheeks suddenly kissed pink like a spring rose. Your heart started palpitating and you got even nervous when the staffs had Cheshire grins on their faces. You were still doubting if what I.M said was the true intention of asking that question during the game because rather, you would want to hear from Kihyun himself. You didn't want any false hope.

You sauntered quickly to the door and headed to the messy dressing room. You fanned your warm cheeks and paced back and forth the room, catching your breath. Just then, the door clicked opened.

You spun on your heels and your eyes widened seeing Kihyun before you.

"W-what are you doing here?"you stammered.

Kihyun sauntered nearer to you and met gazes with you. His eyes were like melted chocolate; addictive and warm.

"You heard what Hyungwon said right?"he clarified.

You nodded reluctantly with a tint of shyness.

"I-Is it true?"you asked.

Kihyun nodded his head. "I like you ever since we met. I've been keeping my feelings for very long."

You could feel the heartbeat, the every single pound in your chest. The turbulent push within you wouldn't stop. Kihyun was your first love. The fact he felt the same way was enough to lighten your day. Without much thoughts, you craned your head up to him and planted a soft kiss on his right cheek. As you pulled away, you gasped seeing the faint lipstick staint on his cheek.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry. There's a mark,"you wiped it with your thumb.

Kihyun chuckled and held your right wrist gently. You blinked as your eyes were glued onto your grasped wrist. Butterflies started roaming in your stomach. Unexpectedly, Kihyun pulled your wrist closer to him and crashed his lips onto yours. The world fell away. The kiss was slow and soft, comforting in ways that words would never be.

He released your wrist and pulled you closer until there was no space between the both of you. You could feel the rapid beating of his heart against your chest. At that moment, you knew this was an opportunity for you to portray the bottled feelings. It was either now, or never.


HII GUYSS!! It has been awhile since I updated but here it is! Just to tell u guys that I'll be updating much slower because I'm in my senior year and I'm facing national exams this year so basically, 2018 is the most important year for me. I hope u guys understand my situation and I'm sry if all of u were waiting very long for me to publish your request.

Anyways, TYSM for the 21k views omg. You guys are awesome people:) have a great day guys!

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