50. In Time-Part 2 [Shownu]

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You smiled softly. Ahead was the intersection and the bus stop, you were early. The air was sweet and there was no hurry, your world had been cast anew and you were savoring every moment. You leaned back against the perspex of the bus-stop, a smile upon your face. With no music in your ears, your head moved as if there was smooth jazz playing inside. Indeed, you were on cloud nine.

Just in time, your bus drove towards the bus stop. You hailed your arm and chuckled softly, impressed by the beautiful timing. As the bus pulled over, you boarded bus 31 and tapped your student card on the machine. Students mostly from your school crowded the bus but you were still euphoric. As you scanned through, your eyes halted onto a familiar tall student.  You squinted your eyes but it widened when you recognized him. 

"Shownu?"you mumbled.

You scrutinized him from head to toe. He was intrigued by the view outside the small windowed bus, accompanying him was the music resonating in his ears. Unexpectedly, you were strucked by his aura and look. He outshone the students with his chesiled jaw, his soft feather-like black hair brushed away from his brow and he carried his height with easy self assurance. He was far removed from the tedium of conventional male good looks. 'Why didn't I notice this sooner? I mean everyone knows he's dashing but how can he be in every angle?'you thought.

You averted your gaze away and set your gaze out of the window. As the bus halted by every stop along the street, you crammed through the confined spaces with your petite figure closer to the alighting door. You happened to be squeezed in the middle of two boys who weren't from your school. You held your breath and clenched your fists, uncomfortable being the center of unfamiliar males.

When the bus halted for the red light, you felt a grasp on your wrist. To your astonishment, you were pulled through the space and unexpectedly, you found yourself beside Shownu. The both of you exchanged gazes. In fact, the close proximity between you and Shownu sent butterflies in your stomach. Shownu broke the eye contact first and released your wirst. You rubbed your nape sheepishly with flushed cheeks.

Throughout the journey to school, you expected silence between you and Shownu. Furthermore, earpiece were plugged into his ears and you didn't want to intrude his peace. The both of you alighted the bus at the designated bus stop situated near the school. At the same time, Sohyun was seen walking by.

"Sohyun!"you called and jogged over her.

You glanced over to Shownu and noticed that he sauntered first, his mind still preoccupied with his music. You linked arms with Sohyun and bat your eyelashes at her. Sohyun scrutinized you from head to toe, her eyes wide like an owl.

"You're early?!"she exclaimed.

"Pshh as if you don't know,"you flipped your hair.

Sohyun blinked. "Know what?"she cocked a brow.

You pulled your arms away from her and halted in place. "You bought me the alarm clock, remember?"

Sohyun's forehead creased as she scratched her head. "I...bought you an alarm clock?"she pointed at herself.

Deciphering her reaction, you knew she wasn't the one. "But you're the only one who knows my address."

Sohyun folded her arms and started interrogating you. "You sure?"

Tilting your head up, your brain started formulating people who knew the location of your home. Certainly, your mother was out of the list so it narrowed down to Sohyun, your cousins and relatives. As you averted your gaze away from the sky, your eyes landed onto Shownu who was seen entering the school. You stared at him open-mouthed, realising that he knew your address.

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