107. Disaster- Part 2 [Shownu]

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a/n: read part 1 if u have forgotten. also, im extremely happy that we got new updates about wonho. it feels so nice to see him again :)


You popped open the sparkling can drink and gulped it down, feeling the chill run down your esophagus and your lips frowned into a grimace. Cold sparkling pool on your palate was a switch of consciousness, a source of energy to keep you going throughout the day. You wiped your wet fingers against your jeans and played with your phone, scrolling through messages, email and notifications which you received while working.

The chair infront of you screeched and a coffee can was placed on the table. You looked up and noticed Shownu flopping down onto the chair, legs crossed and back leaned against the backrest after gulping down his cold coffee. As time dissolved into itself, as shapeless as the rain, you made a connection with him and it was odd because it happened so quickly.

"Aren't you tired because I am,"he groaned while stretching his arms out, his long arms almost touching the vending machine.

"You're weak,"you snickered with eyes glued onto your phone screen.

Shownu sighed and propped his elbows on the table, his right cheek resting on his palm. He scrutinized you not in an affectionate way but rather out of curiosity. Although the both of you grew closer and bickered like cats and dogs, none was initiative to open up a deep conversation which required the heart to prepare. "Why did you become a detective and work for such a dangerous job?"he felt it was time to do so.

So far from what you knew about him, his comment was out of character. You stared at him open mouthed, brain formulating no thoughts other than to register that you were shocked. Shownu arched a brow, waiting for a response. You closed your mouth, then looked at your phone before glancing back up to meet his eyes.

No one knew the sole reason as to why you chose such an occupation except for Chief Jeon, Director Yang and the other chief officials who interviewed you. You weren't exactly close to your colleagues although knowing them for years but as compared to Shownu whom recently came in, you felt more comfortable with him. Perhaps because the both of you were always arguing and teasing each other.

"You don't have to say it if its sensitive,"he realised how perplexed you were. "Hey, have you actually wonder that the suspects are like main characters in a blockbuster movie?"Shownu changed the topic after knowing you were uncomfortable.

"Huh?"your eyebrows raised.

"It would be cool if a supporting role like us steal the spotlight,"he added after sipping his coffee.

You wore a puzzled expression. Shownu on the other hand was nonchalant. The corner of his lips twitched as he imagined himself in a movie, being called a hero. For a fraction of a second, you sneered until your conscious mind asserted control again. He was full of surprises, sometimes acting out of the blue. "You're crazy. Why is the suspect the main character?"

"Isn't that how criminal movies or shows go? Look at Joker, Ted Bundy and the Irishman. They're main characters,"he jutted out a finger each time he recited the names.

You tilted your head and pondered, noticing that serial killers, hit man psychopaths, and other positions of these sort was under the main spotlight in their shows. Truth be told, you didn't even realise before but since it was mentioned, it made you admit. As much as you were intuitive, Shownu was always wild in his thinking so you decided to not dig in further because it made you tired. Sometimes, you couldn't quite decipher if he was serious or merely spouting nonsense to kill time and boredom.

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