96. U R [Wonho]

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a/n: hi yalls! it really has been awhile since i last updated. im truly sry to those who requested and im only doing them now, hence the late update. i really am sry because school was just hell with load of assignments back and forth. finally i have my two months break before i become year 2 so yay! this is dedicated to _INseongMin . i'm sry honey for publishing this super late :(


The spokes of the wheel soon blur, each strand together and unique all at once. Summer sun felt as a hearth-side shawl, comforting, yet as you pedaled onwards the breeze as welcoming a sunset air. Your hair moved like a soft beach grass in the wind, fanning over your shoulders. A warm smile crept across your lips as you greeted your friends and juniors good morning while pedaling up the slope.

Upon reaching the top, you turned the wheel but braked abruptly when a cat flee across. You gasped for a moment and chuckled at your petrified state of almost killing an animal. You alighted your bicycle and parked it at an empty rack, locking the front wheel to the steel pole before heading to the staff room.

"Good morning, Ms Bae!"

She clicked her head up and grinned upon seeing your fresh presence. "You're always so bright everyday,"she chuckled and counted the number of Physics workbook which were to be given out for revision. You didn't have her lesson that day, hence she instructed to meet you. Furthermore, you are the class representative for Physics so it would be normal for Ms Bae to depend on you.

"Ms Bae?"

You whipped your head to the left, startled by a sudden guest. You glanced at him for awhile and diverted back to Ms Bae since you didn't know him at all. She looked at the student and scanned him from head to toe. "Wonho? What are you doing here?"she tilted her head.

"I found someone's wallet."

He held onto a black leather zip long wallet. The brand was engraved onto a silver plate. It was the exact same brand and model you had. Ms Bae took the wallet and unzipped it to glance through the content. You squinted your eyes as you sensed such familiarity. Her slim fingers slipped through the compartment, taking out a polaroid. The date 16/11/2019 was written with black marker on the back. It was the day when you first went out on a trip with your mother alone ever since the death of your father.

"Oh!?"you and Ms Bae exclaimed simultaneously.

She flipped the polaroid, revealing to you a photo of you and your mother. "Isn't this you, Y/N?"

You nodded your head. "I didn't even know my wallet fell down. Where did you find it?"you turned to the student.

"At the bicycle parking area,"he replied while rubbing his palms on his pants without looking at you.

You squinted your eyes at his timidity but shrugged afterwards since you weren't at the position to judge when he had already helped you return your lost belonging. 'It must have dropped when I got startled by the cat,'you thought. Ms Bae handed you your wallet and shook her head in disbelief at the fact you were clueless of your missing wallet. "Luckily my student found your wallet. Anyways, the workbook are all here so please pass the message to your friends. I think it'll be abit heavy for you so Wonho, do you mind helping my student?"

Upon the out of the blue request, he turned ridged as a board and looked at his homeroom teacher with an unblinking stare. He glanced nervously at you before clearing his throat to regain his composure. He couldn't deny Ms Bae, hence nodded curtly. Just then, he pressed droplets of hand sanitizer on his palms from his silicone holder keychain attached to the front zip of his bag. Your eyes kept wandering back and forth his hands and the sanitizer, mouth pursed but slightly loose and open. 'That was random,'you thought.

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