58. Underwater [I.M]

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A/N: i think my stories are becoming longer and longer. Idk if its a bad thing or nah HAHA


Paintings embarked people far away to another life, another time. The composition evokes mystery which reflects the chaos of inside the artist. The bold strokes and images from vivid colours are out of this world, where it's like a novel condensed onto a single page and a form of communication between the creator and the eye. That's the beauty of art.

You scrutinized every painting dominating the wall with folded arms, chuckling into a smile. Legacy has to be continued. You stood firmly, satisfied of how the art club has been progressing with talented college painters and creative students with a mind of an imaginative world.

"President Y/N."

Your ears perked up. Peeling your eyes away from the paintings, you looked at your secretary, Renjun. He sauntered towards you and handed over an application form which had content in every column.

"Someone filled up this form, wanting to join our club."

You took the form from his hand and scanned through the basic information first. "Im Changkyun. Department of Medical Science from class 3A."

"But...."Renjun trailed off.

You shifted your body towards him and narrowed your eyes. "Spill."

Renjun shot his head up upon your stern command. He bit his lower lip and fiddled with the strap of his bag. "Changkyun isn't ordinary. I heard he tried to kill his parents but fortunately, someone stopped him before anything happened. I'm afraid he might ruin our reputation,"he spilled the beans.

You inched closer to him with folded arms, sending shivers down his spine. Your gaze was unintentionally cold but perhaps, your face lacked the mobility others had thus arousing such fear in anyone as if the elongated eye contact demanded a greater degree of physical separation. Renjun gulped as he averted his eyes from yours.

"From where did you hear it?"you spoke.

His pupils turned shaky. "I-It was a-all over the s-school page,"he stammered, pleading silently to himself to excuse such a bore gaze.

"You clearly know we need more members. Their background doesn't matter because in this art club, we need an exceptional mind and talent. I will contact him regarding the entrance test and discuss with Ms Tan regarding his eligibility,"you shooed him away afterwards.

"I-if you say so,"he acknowledged reluctantly and took a step back, before officially rushing out of the room.

Once he was out of your sight, you heaved a sigh and clutched your chest. The throbbing pain came once again. Ever since such false statement was speculated on you and harsh remarks daunting you during your days in high school, you became sensitive towards the people around you and would feel dispirited everytime rumours go around without any prove because of how you resonate to those victims. You would reminisce of how the past had changed the new you now.

You couldn't be fragile all the time.

You inhaled and exhaled a deep breath, catching your composure. You craned your head up and scanned the room for your phone. Your eyes were completely on a look-out for any gleam of silver from the phone case. Then, it occured to you that you went to the washroom before arriving so there was a possibility of your phone being left in there. 'Gosh, why am I so careless?'you thought.

You jogged out of the room and to the female washroom you just went a moment ago. You searched the cubicle but to no avail and lastly, you landed your eyes onto the sink. You heaved a sigh of relief once you saw the gleam. You took your phone and ambled out of the washroom.

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