53. Hero [Hyungwon]

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The sun sank lower than the sky, light of day draining away to give way to the velvety dark of night. You sauntered down hill to the familiar road, couple seen walking hand in hand under the lampost of the sidewalk. You pursed your lips, reminiscing the days when you fell in love in high school. Those memories brought about such nostalgia.

The thoughts faded when you reached your favourite divine place with your lips replaced into a wide smile. You pressed the automatic door and inside revealed the long embroided curtains, rectangular wooden tables and chairs, vintage interior and classical music which filled the air.

As soon as you stepped in, you met a familiar person whom recognised you for visiting the restaurant abundace of times. "Unnie,"you bowed.

She chuckled and linked arms with you, bringing you to your usual seat which was positioned at the very corner of the restaurant just beside the glass facade. "How was work?"she asked while naturally fixing your hair which was tied up in a messy bun.

"The wedding preparation is going well so I guess I'm in a good mood,"you grinned.

She patted your head. "When is your wedding then?"she teased. You smacked her arm softly and sat down on the wooden chair.

"My mum set me up for a blind date tomorrow,"you pouted.

"Isn't that good?!"she exclaimed.

You shrugged and frowned but your face litted up when you saw the food being delivered to other customers. "New menu?"you clicked your head up to your friend.

She nodded. "We have chicken teriyaki with rice and prawn tempura. Then we have avocado sushi roll with tofu salad but I highly recommend the Japanese curry rice."

"Wow. I'll have the curry rice then and a glass of plain water as per usual. By the way, isn't it a hassle for the chef to change his menu daily?"you asked out of the blue.

The main reason why you were always the regular costumer of the restaurant was because of the unique tradition of changing menus, thus you were intrigued to come in order to try out different new dishes. However, you did ponder of the setback.

"The chef suggested this idea. It seems like he has no problems with it so we agreed,"she explained.

"Ouhh, alright. I'm starving so move along,"you shooed her away.

She let out a soft feminine laugh and sauntered away. You heaved a sigh and rested your chin on your palm. Your eyes darted around the restaurant which was mainly occupied by couples. As you stared infront of your empty seat, you couldn't help but feel the sense of loneliness and boredom. 'I hope the blind date goes well,'you thought.


Your stomach shifted uneasily and you noticed the that the hands which was hugging yourself with were pinching into your skin. You bit your lower lip and released your hands but then you couldn't figure out what to do with them so instead, they clasped and unclasped each other as if in need of reassurance.

Perhaps the restaurant was chilly but in fact, you were wearing a knee length lace dress which was long sleeved.

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