48. Bittersweet-Part 2 [Wonho]

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A/N: okay so A LOT of u guys requested for part 2 of this chapter so as a nice author, I'll grant u ur wish:)


The bell rang in a peal. It echoed throughout the whole cafe. The entrance of the customers were no longer inviting. The light jazz music, faux chic atmosphere and thick scent of brewed coffee were no longer lingering in your heart like how it used to be. Perhaps, you aren't at your best mood.

You scrutinized the place filled with mainly couples. It was an unpleasant sight. It has been weeks and yet, reality was a tough component to accept in your life. You would reminisce the late night conversations you had with Wonho, the secretive hangouts along the streets but mostly, the realisation of how you were not special to him on Christmas.

"Boss? Boss?!"

You clicked your head to Rina with eyes bulged opened.

"Two iced americano,"she said.


You nodded and grabbed two mugs. You opened the fridge and took out a carton of milk, placing it on the countertop. Rina grasped your hands. You noticed her taking out two plastic cups and placing back the milk to the fridge. "I'll handle this,"she patted your hand.

You moved aside, biting your lower lip when you realised you weren't paying attention to her order. You massaged your temples and leaned against the marble countertop with clenched fists. Rina poured the brewed coffee from two shots of espresso and added warm water. Then, she poured the Americano over the plastic cups filled with ice. She was indeed fast-paced in terms of serving customers. Indeed, she's a worker with the most experience.

"Thank you!"she smiled at the customers when she handed over their drinks.

However, her smile faded when her gaze landed on yours. She sauntered to you and scrutinized your face. "Boss, are you okay?"she finally asked.

You smiled a little, a smile with a twist to it, like the smile of a child who is determined not to weep. Truth be told, Rina and you aren't very close. She just looked up to you favourably rather than comfortably. You heard her sigh.

"Is it because of him? The masked guy you met a few weeks ago?"questioned Rina.

Your averted your gaze away, flabbergasted by her memory and hawk eyes.

"I could tell he ended ties with you because it happened to me before. If he view you as someone whom he doesn't truly love, he's not worth your time."

In fact, you noticed the glistening ring on her. She met and fall in love with someone new. However, you couldn't really tell what you're feeling. Thinking of Wonho made you agitated and vexed but the exuberant reminiscent would replay in your mind.

"Boss, why don't you have some rest? You've been working for quite long without any break. Having a peaceful state of mind might help to soothe your worries,"suggested Rina.

You shook your head. "I'll be fine."

The bell rang once more and the both of you looked up. Jonghyun ambled towards you and bowed at Rina before diverting his gaze on you. "Are you busy?"asked Jonghyun.

"Yes, I'm-"

"Oh boss! Didn't you say that you wanted to take a one week break?"Rina clasped her hands together.

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