27. Bodyguard [Wonho]

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A/N: wow theres 1.71k alr. U guys are awesome people💗


"Did you see his face? Hahaha!"you mimicked the exact same facial expression your friend had when he saw a dead lizard in his locker.

"He screamed like a girl!"your close friend, Herin agreed.

You slapped her arm multiple times, unable to contain your laughter. You touched your stomach and groaned when it hurt so much. Just then, you bumped into a firm yet soft surface. You craned your head up and saw a man with muscular body standing before you.

You scrutinized him from head to toe and then you averted your gaze onto Herin. Her eyebrows were furrowed.

"Ms Y/N,"he called.

You blinked your eyes continously and took baby steps further away from him. You ended up gripping onto Herin's blazer as she towered you. 'Who the heck is he? How does he know my name?'you thought. Just then, his phone started ringing.

"Let's leave him,"you whispered to Herin and she nodded.

However, he blocked your way while holding his phone at his ear.

"This is X14 speaking. I have reported to my duty,"he answered his phone.

'X14? Huh? What duty?'you thought.

"Yah, he doesn't look drunk,"whispered Herin.

She was right. He looked normal. Just then, you caught him scrutinizing you from head to toe. Your eyes widened and you immediately hid behind Herin, cocking your head out. 'Is he pervert?!'

"She is in good condition. You don't have to worry,"he then talked to his phone.

Afterwards, he ended the call and slipped his phone into his front pocket.


You heard a familiar deep voice hollering for you. You turned behind and saw Daehwi jogging to you with open arms. He then threw his left arm over your shoulders but his wrist got seized by the buff man before he could even do so.

"Ah ah!!"wailed Daehwi.

You and Herin gasped seeing Daehwi's arms getting twisted at his back with his frowning face showing his pain.

"Yah yah! What do you think you're doing?!"you seized the man's arm and tried to pull him away. However, he refused to let go.

"No one should land their hands on you,"he said and twisted his arm more.

'What is this? An action movie?'you thought. You tried to pull his hands away from Daehwi and in the end, he did willingly. He then pushed Daehwi away from you.

"ARE YOU CRAZY!"hollered Daehwi.

You bit your lip and pushed Herin to Daehwi. "I'm really sorry Daehwi. You guys go first. I'll see you tomorrow."

You watched as Herin seized Daehwi's arm and helped him to send him home. When their back view turned smaller and smaller, you clicked your head to him with a glare.

"Who are you? What do you want from me? Why did you do that?"

"I'm your bodyguard X14, Wonho. It is my duty to protect you at any circumstances,"he introduced with a poker face.

Your jaw dropped to the floor."B-bodyguard?"you chuckled.

You couldn't help but scoffed at his answer. You are an athlete who enjoys exercising. You are recognized for having a toned figure and a strong perseverance for anything you wish to fulfill. Positivity was your nature. Morever, you were just a normal student.

"I think you got the wrong person,"you said and bowed.

You were about to saunter away from there but halted when Wonho started bombarding facts about you.

"Kim Y/N. Age, 18. The captain of the netball club. Father's name, Kim Seokjin. Mother's name, Jung Roa. Hobby is exercising. Favourite subject, recess. Favourite number, 7. Do I have to go on on who's your crush?"blurted Wonho.

Your eyes widened immediately and you shook your hands in denial. 'I don't like this guy,'you thought as you glared at him in disbelief. You rolled your eyes and massaged your temples.

"Let's just go home,"you heaved fatiguely.

Wonho opened the car door of the front passanger seat. You gave up as your soul left from your body. The fact that an older person opening the car door as a form of respect or authority wise could lead to misunderstandings. Worst scenario, an adult dating a minor. You remained silent and just entered the car, buckling the seatbelt.

Wonho ambled to the driver's seat, wore his seatbelt and started the engine. You looked out of the window and refused to open up a conversation with him. The first thing which struck your mind was to ask your father what was going on. Why would an ordinary human like you need special protection?


You realised, he really was your bodyguard. The fact that he knew all your background details and address proves that he isn't just a stranger. As soon as the both of you arrived at the front door of your terrace, you alighted from the car and immediately fastened your pace to your father's work room.

You didn't bother knocking onto the door and just barged into the room. Your father clicked his head up with his face litted up by the fluroscent light of his laptop. He halted typing onto the keyboard.

"Appa, explain."

Your father couldn't decipher what you meant but when he noticed Wonho by the door, he figured out why. He heaved a sigh and rested both his elbows on the table.

"I have to hire a bodyguard to protect you,"he responded.

"What am I? A kid?"

"Y/N, your life is in danger. The only way I could ensure your safety was to hire him,"he chimed.

You ceased your eyebrows at his response."Why is my life in danger?"

Your father was reluctant. You cocked a brow, implying him to answer your question. However, he refused to answer. In the end, Wonho broke the ice.

"Y/N, let's leave."

He sauntered infront of you and blocked your view. You squinted your eyes and refused to look up at him. You huffed and stormed out of the room with clenched fists and heavy breathing. Wonho trailed from behind.

You folded your arms as soon as the both of you exited. Once the door was shut, you glared at Wonho.

"Why is my life in danger?"you asked sternly.

Wonho remained a poker face. "I am not allowed to reveal according to your father."

You chuckled and rolled your eyes. "So am I supposed to get killed to finally know it? Can you atleast give me a hint or something? I should know what concerns my life."

Wonho was in a dilemma. You get anxious very quickly. Thus, telling you the case would make you even more worried.

"Your identity matters,"he blurted out.

Your eyebrows furrowed. 'My identity?'you thought.

You tilted your head and ambled away from Wonho. To your astonishment, Wonho followed by your side. You halted and looked at him.

"Why are you following me?"

"Because I'm your bodyguard,"he replied.

You heaved a sigh while holding your bridge nose. "I'm going to my room. My room is safe."

He backed off from you. You ruffled your hair in frustration. 'Why is my life so troublesome?'


A/N: part two coming up soooonnn

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