56. Shoot Out [Minhyuk]

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A/N: HEYYY GUYSSS! It has been awhile since i updated and finally my national exams are over woohoo!! i miss writing so much and i was so happy when i saw notifications of people reading, voting and commenting my book when i was away:) that gave me so much motivation and support even though those were just simple things. Now that i'm back, i'll update more and also open requests :) TYSM FOR WAITING AND READING MY BOOK!


Brilliant soaring vermillion, golden and acid green flares ignited minerals crafted to resemble flowers bursting at high speed through the black like they're super-imposed on the night, like the stars behind were only a backdrop brought in for the occasion. The brilliant lines and the every streak that bared a curve of sorts gave you the shuddering thrills.

A chuckle slipped out of Minhyuk's lips, his eyes was fixated on you rather than the fireworks. You glanced over to him and furrowed your eyebrows.

"What's the matter?"

"My fireworks display is nice, right?"

You narrowed your eyes at him and scoffed. "You didn't even pay for it,"you folded your arms and tilted your head up to the lit sky.

Minhyuk leaned towards you with his eyes glued on the vibrant hues. "To kill you and me, there would be only one bullet."

You blinked and averted your gaze away from the fireworks. You scrutinized Minhyuk, unable to decipher his words. "I would rather take the bullet than seeing you get hurt,"he locked gazes with you.

You remembered the day you fell for his dark frail eyes. The encounter was fortuitous. You were patrolling the neighbourhood to seek out for the safety of the residents and prevent apprehensive occurrences. It was your duty as a rookie officer. Sauntering by the alley, you saw a shadow. You approached nearer. Crimsons leaked from both his nostrils and blood stained his knuckles. Bruises were all over his arms and face, as if thousands of venomous blades pierced him.

You brought him over to the police station, treated him and investigated him. Day one started with an interrogation regarding the abuse he underwent but after awhile, it became a mere conversation between acquaintance and then close friends. Soon, a mysterious sensation left you speechless. Whenever he smiled, you would do the same and it will never change.

"Are you saying that just because I'm a police officer?"you asked.

Minhyuk tilted his head and creased his forehead. "Maybe. Your job is dangerous and tough. I should protect you at the very least."

"You don't have to protect me. I'm doing fine,"you embraced his cheek.

It wasn't the first time Minhyuk was being anxious. You understood that you're safety was his outmost priority.  As a police officer, your job could be physically exhausting and dangerous but you believe in public service; a duty to serve and protect the country. Seeing a female cop is rare but people around you admired your audacity. Furthermore, Minhyuk would always lend a listening ear to think of solutions in solving a case or the motive of the killer.

"Do you know that all endings are also beginnings?"blurted Minhyuk.

You flashed a warm smile and looked at him intently. "Why do you think so?"

"In fairytales, it all ended happily but in reality, our endings could determine a new phase of our lives. We just don't know it. That's what I think."

To your astonishment, Minhyuk held your hand and caressed it dearly as if he was holding a precious diamond. His eyes were midnight and ravens wings. As you stared into his deep endless black eyes, you knew you fell for him even deeper as before. He planted a soft kiss on your forehead and pulled away, cupping your cheeks.

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