81. Beautiful Stranger [Minhyuk]

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A/N: ik this isn't monsta x related but i just want to recommend this song called beautiful stranger by fx. i think the lyrics is rather deep so do listen to it. i actually miss fx :(


The moon and stars shone above the passing clouds of ink in the night which rode in on a horse of pure midnight velvet. You rubbed your arms for warmth while sauntering under the orange glow of streetlamps. The path to your house was narrow and you had to pass through the cobbled stone alleyway.

As you ambled, your eyes squinted when a rather dark figure was lying on the ground under a streetlamp. Your eyebrows furrowed as curiosity engulfed you. You inched to the odd thing with gingerly steps and wondered if it was a person, an abandoned object or perhaps just your imagination.

You froze when you saw the woman on the floor lifeless. Her black hair was scattered in multiple places and her brown eyes were wide open but her irises held a sudden sadness. As your gaze shifted down to her body, you collapsed. Your legs turned weak and your heart rate increased rapidly. Her white clothes were stained red. Blood flowed, thick and sluggish from a slash across her gut. The life fluid drained out from her.

Your fingers started to tremble as you felt the overwhelming need to escape. You huffed and puffed as hot flashes started to occur everytime you caught sight of bloody red. You mustered up all your strength to push yourself up from the floor. However, you staggered because your whole body was fatigued. You clenched your fists tight and tried to get up. Your soul was screaming for help but words couldn't slip out from your quivering lips.

As soon as you rose up from the ground, you ran away from there even if you tumbled down and have scrap marks on your knees and palms. You just want to escape from there, as far away as possible. Your heart beats frantically and you were panting as you quickened your pace. Despite your heart and lungs were pumping, the air didn't seem to be sufficient as you sprinted forward.

You turned back, afraid if someone had seen you but with your attention diverted elsewhere, your head bumped onto a rather firm surface. A stranger with straight black hair who seemed like your age held both your arms. He scrutinized your pale face and feeling how you were trembling in panic.

"Hey hey, are you okay?"he asked and lowered his head so his eye level was the same as yours.

You glanced up to him before turning your head back to the area where you saw the lifeless corpse and the pool of blood. With you being in a state of perturbation, you lost all senses to speak or breathe. The lean man followed your gaze, intuitively knowing that something happened at that area.

"What happen?"he asked once more.

You couldn't reply. Your eyesight started to turn everything from a blur, fuzzy and then to nothing at all. Your consciousness was floating and your heartbeat pounded so loudly, echoing in your ears alongside fading calls from that concerned stranger. The feeling in your body drained away until finally all was black.


Your eyes closed shut in complete darkness but then, your ears perked up when you heard faint sounds as if people were talking. You squinted your eyes and fluttered it open like a butterfly which came out of its cocoon. You found yourself staring at a white wall as your body laid onto a soft mattress. 'Where am I?'you thought.

You winced in pain when you felt your head spinning, thus catching the attention of the people who were in that room with you. The door clicked open, indicating someone had left. You pushed yourself up and felt a hand pulling your arm. When you sat up straight, you looked down at the soft mattress which you laid down so peacefully, realising there were multiple beds positioned in that room.

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