26. Coffee [I.M]

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A/N: i thought newton was a new song but turns out, it was just for lipton. But still, the boys look sooooooo good in the video💗


You ran to the nearest shelter when it started raining cats and dogs. It was a bad idea not bringing an umbrella because whenever you bought it, the sun would cast elongated shadows on the ground as if the sun was playing a prank on you. You heaved a sigh and scrutinized the rivulets of rain. As you looked around your venue, a cafe was situated just behind you. You looked through the glass wall and saw that there weren't many customers.

You sauntered to the main entrance and pushed the glass door, deciding to stay inside the cafe and wait until the rain stop. The bell jingled and you were greeted by the barista.

You halted for a moment and stared at him. His hair was so silky like a velvet curtain, his grin complemented with his perfectly alligned teeth, his brown apron tied around his waist revealed his lean figure and his deep voice sent shivers down your spine.

"Do you need any help?"asked the good-looking barista.

You clicked back to your senses and started stammering."H-huh? O-oh its n-nothing."

You rubbed your nape sheepishly and rushed to a vacant table situated near the corner of the glass wall. You flopped onto the cushioned seat and rested your beg by your lap. While waiting for the rain to lessen, you took out your sketchbook and a 2B pencil. You scanned around the cafe which was designed into a vintage interior to find something interesting to draw. Then, your eyes landed onto the handsome barista which made your jaw dropped.

You rested your chin on your palm and scanned him from head to toe. He was like a sculpture. You grinned to yourself and started sketching out the barista from head to toe. You would avert your gaze on him every second in order to obtain the correct proportions.

There was once the both of you exchanged gazes. You didn't know what to do so you froze. However, the barista was so friendly that he even plastered a warm smile at you. His smile melted your heart. 'He's so cuteeeee,'you thought.

When half an hour had passed, you were done drawing out his figure but you just needed to add in more details. You were so engrossed into your sketch that you didn't notice his presence.

"Is that me?"

You clicked your head up as soon as you heard that familiar deep voice. Slowly, you slided your arms onto your sketchbook to cover your drawing. You cleared your throat and looked out of the window. He chuckled in return and placed a mug of warm black coffee on the wooden table.

"You should atleast drink something warm here so you won't feel cold,"he added.

'Aawww, he cares for me.'

You shook your head and bowed, thanking him for the coffee. You thought he was gonna leave afterwards but instead, he stood rooted to the ground. You raised your right eyebrow at him.

"Is it okay if I join you? There isn't much customers anyway,"he asked with his cheeks turning scarlet red.

"S-sure,"you stuttered and pointed to the vacant seat opposite of you.

The barista bowed and sat down. You felt awkward and you couldn't move an inch since a good-looking guy was sitted infront of you. You were afraid that everything you did wouldn't be attractive to him.

"You can continue drawing. Please don't mind me,"he said.

You nodded reluctantly and resumed drawing. You looked up to him and checked his name tag which engraved, I.M.

'What the heck is that?'you thought.

"I....M...?"you mumbled which was audible enough for him to hear.

He turned to you with widened eyes. He then looked down onto his name tag and nodded. "Oh. My real name is Im Changkyun but you can call me I.M."

You nodded. "What's your name?"he asked.

With your eyes glued onto your drawing, you replied. "I'm Y/N."

You wanted to finish drawing I.M so you could give it to him as a small gift. As you added more details in I.M's face, you had to look up and scrutinize his facial features. Your cheeks flushed in red when you got to see his face very closely.

"Are you an art student?"he blurted out.

You liked how he kept asking you questions so the conversation would remain constant.

"I'm from the art club in my school. Are you a student?"

I.M chuckled and leaned back against the arm chair. "Do I look young?"

'You look young, handsome, hot, cute...'

You stared in trance as you took out the charming points of I.M. You clapped your hands together once you were done drawing out. You tore off your sketchbook and gave the piece to him. He then stared at the paper and then back at you. You grinned sheepishly as your heart started to thump.

"Just take it as a gift from me,"you said.

"Well, thank you. I'll surely cherish this gift,"he thanked and took the paper out of your hand.

You nodded and looked out of the glass wall, seeing that the rain had stopped. You packed your belongings into your bag and prepared to leave.

"Are you leaving already?"he asked.

You nodded. "Yea. My Mum is waiting for me at home. I should go."

You rose up from your seat but halted when I.M raised his both his palms at you. "But you haven't drink your coffee,"he pouted.

You almost melted upon his pouty lips. You averted your gaze onto the coffee which was still left untouched in the mug. You completely forgot about it.

"In exchange for the gift, I'll take out this coffee and give it to you for free,"suggested I.M.

You nodded and he smiled, taking the mug to the counter. You trailed from behind and waited for him to pack your coffee. Afterwards, he came back with a paper cup coffee.

"Here you go. Thanks Y/N for coming."

You smile from ear to ear. "I should thank you for being born,"you muttered.

"Sorry?"he asked with furrowed brows.

You shook your head vigorously. "N-nothing. I hope we can see each other again. Bye!"

He waved and watched as you sauntered out of the cafe. Your cheeks were so warm that you couldn't help but squealed for encountering such an attractive barista.

Now, how can I keep this coffee?


A/N: i wish my country have more hot guys:(

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