EP.2|What I'm Afraid Of

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EP.2|What I’m Afraid Of

Welcome back, I'm glad you are joining us for another episode of Good At Being Bad. Last time our group VK's (villain kids) just arrived on the train, let's see what happens next.

As soon as Mal went inside of the train compartment she noticed CJ was gone. “Where's CJ?” Mal asked. “Went to go get us some more snacks.” Freddie answered. CJ walked the halls of the trains talking to Crackers until she heard barking. “Perdita?” CJ asked but it wasn't Perdita it was a border terrier dog.

The dog then tackled CJ and started licking her face. “Stop… haha… that tickles… hahaha…! Hahahah!!!” CJ laughed. “Where's your owner buddy?” CJ asked as she looked at the dogs collar. “Dude.” She read. “Come on let's go find your owner. They must be worried sick.” CJ ruffled Dude’s fur.

She asked around the entire last car and decide to go to the next car over. She saw the number 279 on the door and was, for some reason drawn to it. As though she was destined to go there. She knocked on the door and seconds later the doors slide opened, revealing a male teen of a pale complexion with freckles all over his skin. He has white hair with black roots. His style mainly consists of colors black, white and red. He has a black shirt with streaks of white.

He wore jacket of long red sleeves, the right side is white while the left side is black, the collar is made of fake fur and on the back it has his own crest of crossed bones.

His shorts repeat the same black and white pattern as his jacket. For accessories, He had on his right hip a fake fur that resembles a black tail with white tip. He also wore a pair of red fingerless gloves.

“Dude!” The boy smiled as the dog ran into his arms. “Thanks so much, I've been looking for him all night. Where was he?” He asked. “He was on the last car. He kinda ran into me. Well I think I kinda ran into him. But he is very friendly.” CJ chuckled as she ruffled Dude’s fur making him her CJ’s face again.

“Haha! I told you Dude that tickles!” CJ laughed. The boy smiled. “I’m Carlos, son of Cruella DeVille.” Carlos introduced. CJ chuckled. “Don’t you think it’s a bit ironic that the son of Cruella has a dog?” CJ asked giggling. So...cute…

“I-I gu-guessed.” Carlos stuttered a bit. “She said if I don’t take care of Dude that she would turn Dude into a pair of earmuffs.” Carlos chuckled. “Hey, can I buy you a soda? As a thanks for bringing back Dude.” Carlos asked as CJ nodded as they walked towards the dining car.

Carlos ordered two Coca-Cola’s and sat down at a booth with CJ. CJ then saw a baby crocodile walked past being held in a girl with pink hair arms. CJ quickly hid under the table.

“Um? Are you okay?” Carlos asked laughing. “Yeah...just have a tiny phobia of crocodiles.” CJ answered as she got out from under the table. “Oh, right the whole Captain Hook thing.” Carlos chuckled. “Yeah, it kinda all happened because of the stupid crock.” CJ grumbled.

“Well, phobias are easy to get over. I mean my mom basically raised me to have cynophobia. Now look at me. Raising a dog.” Carlos smiled. “You don’t truly fear anything. It’s the concept of a fear that your scared of. Now, I know that this Crocodylusphobia isn't what you're afraid of. Now is it?” Carlos asked.

CJ looked out the window, ignoring his question. Carlos turned CJ’s face towards him. “Fine. I am scared of crocodiles. I’m scared of something else.” CJ sighed. “And that is?” Carlos asked.

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