EP.99|Our Last Day On The Misty Archipelago

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EP.99|Our Last Day On The Misty Archipelago

"Ben..." Mal spoke softly, she tried to reach of Ben hand but he moved away. "I'm fine." Ben sniffled, wiping the tears he had on his face.

"We need to focus on finding that grail. As soon as we do, we're only one step closer to beating Lucifer." Ben stood up from his chair, his hands on the table.

"Kianna, do you have any info where the grail might be?" Carlos inquired.

"Last time I heard, it was on an island called Zuo," Kianna said, bringing out a hand-sized ladybug.

"Zuo island," Kianna said as the ladybug opened up reveal the island.

"Zuo island, wait, isn't that a tourist spot? Why would the grail be there?" CJ asked.

"People would pay good money to see an ancient artifact," Evie said. "Yeah, but wouldn't people get suspicious of everyone trying to take it?" Freddie questioned.

"Unless, they're too scared to ask anything, in fear of getting punished. Like this island did." Hunter guessed.

"It would make sense, the island is swarming with Lucifer subordinates. It's like a hotspot for all Lucifer worshipers." Jasper said.

"There's a bar there called MacLaren's Pub. My friend Cindy works there, she might know something about the grail and Lucifer." Kianna said as Freddie's eyes lit up.

"Alright, everyone rests up, we leave in the morning," Ben announced, walking out of Kianna's hut.

Evie and Jasper sat at the lake with Raja. "Do you to leave?" Raja muttered. "Yes, we're sorry honey." Evie hugged Raja.

"But...you said you wouldn't leave." Raja cried.

"I know and we won't. We'll be back as soon as this is over, you can explore the world with us." Jasper ruffled Raja's hair.

"Pr-Promise?" Raja sniffled. "Yes, kiddo." Jasper hugged Raja tightly. "Wh-Wha-What if Lucifer comes back?" Raja asked.

"He won't." Evie assured her "Wh-what if you don't come back? What if something happens when you two are on the mission." Raja rambled.

"Raja, nothing will happen. We'll be back for you right after the mission is done." Jasper promised her.

"You better." Raja punched Jasper playfully.

Freddie was on the balcony of Kianna's hut, look up at the beautiful starry night.

"You know, this is gonna be your last moment of peace for a while." Shadow Freddie informed her, appearing out of nowhere, spooking Freddie a bit.

"Jeez Shadow Freddie! What did I tell you about scaring me like that!" Freddie scolded. "That it's okay to scare you." Shadow Freddie winked.

Freddie glared at her shadow counterpart "what do you want anyways?" Freddie asked. "The soul counts getting worse." Shadow Freddie shook her head.

"Don't remind me. All week I've been falling day!" Freddie said, falling to her knees. "See what I men." Freddie growled.

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