EP.117|Monster Fights and Double Trouble?

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EP.117|Monster Fights and Double Trouble?

CJ, Ben, and Mal ran thru the jungle, still being chased the spotted black bear.

“What’s wrong with this island?!” Mal yelled, running as fast as her feet could carry her.

“I’ve never seen animals like this! It’s like a whole new species!” Ben replied, the trio finally stopping for a breather.

“I think...we lost him…” Mal breathed heavily. “I’m sick of running! We’ve been running for hours!” CJ groaned.

“Well, it’s either we run or get eaten by the spotted bear!” Ben flung his hands in the air. CJ’s growled, clutching her sword.

“When I was younger my father used to tell me that running is for wimps” CJ’s sword began to get coated in a particles

“and I’m not a wimp! I will do anything to save Carlos,” the sword was inches away from his neck “even if it means slaying a spotted black bear!”

“C-CJ!” Ben stammered. “What?” she asked, obviously annoyed. Ben timidly raised his hand and pointed behind her.

CJ slowly turned around to see the spotted black bear. Ben began to run until Mal and CJ pulled him back.

“Listen up bear! You’ve made us run for hours, and I hate running! So now, you’re gonna do the running.” CJ and Mal smirked wickedly.

The bear lunged for CJ and Mal, both quickly jumped up, dodging the bear. CJ collected dust in her hand and a spins it around and it forms a disk.

After collecting enough dust, CJ then spins the disk in her hand and then throws it at the bear “Iron Sand: slash!”

The bear roared in pain when the dust disc hit it’s back. This only made the bear more angry, it got up and lunged for Mal. “Demonic Illusion: Flower Bomb!”

Mal trapped the bear in a flower bud, a purple mist began to fill the inside of the bud, making the bear confused.

“Steel Release: Claws!”

Ben couldn't see much thru the smoke but he couldn't have sworn he’d seen two animal figures instead of just one.

Once the dust cleared it reveal a girl with She was a relatively slim and tall woman with short black hair, green eyes, with two tufts pointing upwards.

She wore a pink, v-neck t-shirt that exposes her stomach with a black spider on it beneath a black jacket with pink lines running down the sleeves that has a collar with wing-like cuffs.

She also wears a yellow beaded necklace, pants that have a giraffe-like pattern, and a belt with a white cardigan tied around it.

She also wears white shoes and has painted fingernails.

“Sorry about this big guy,” the woman pressed her foot on the spotted black bear “he needs to learn so more manners.”

“Thanks, but we had it under control.” Ben told her. “From what I saw, you didn’t.” she scoffed “you almost got eaten by a bear.”

“It’s not a bear,” Ben rolled his eyes “I don't know what it is, or what kind of species this is , but it isn't a bear.”

“So what do you call it then?” she asked smugly. “Well it’s definitely not a bear. What bear has spots?” Ben said, pointing to the spots on the bear.

“A bear on this island, look, if you can't handle this then get out of my way.” she scoffed, pushing Ben, the woman began to walk away.

“Aren’t you coming?” She asked. “Why would we follow you?” Ben answered smugly, Mal covered his mouth.

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