EP.39|The Silver Cross Murder Revealed! But First! A Little Past!

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EP.39|The Silver Cross Murder Revealed! But First! A Little Past!

“N-no! Please…” Freddie covered her mouth in horror. Her eyes filled with tears and rage. She quickly got hold of the necklace and walked back into Zeref’s room. “ZEREF!!!” Freddie yelled as Zeref quickly ran up the stairs. “What’s wrong?” Zeref asked as he looked at Freddie holding the cross necklace. “Shit. Freddie I can explain!” Zeref said and before Freddie could start yelling at him, time stopped.


“You fucked up big time.” A familiar voice chuckled. “Hello, dad.” Zeref sighed. “I told you to hide it better.” Hades reminded him.

Hades has bluish-gray skin, flaming blue hair, yellow eyes, and sharp teeth. He is also very tall.

“I know, I know, thank you for reminding me.” Zeref scarcistally thanked. “Hey, sit.” Hades patted the bed. “What do you want?” Zeref asked. “I’m going to tell you a story. You’re gonna listen. And your gonna learn something, ‘kay?” Hades asked as Zeref nodded.

“Hey! Idiot are you listening?!” Hades yelled as Zeref looked at Freddie. He had so much hope and love in his eyes, but also fear that once time resume. She would hate him. “Hey! Listen when I’m speaking.” Hades said as Zeref smiled looking at Freddie. “Do you remember when you always asked how me and Persephone meet?” Hades asked as Zeref nodded. “I think I’m finally ready to tell you the story.” Hades sighed.

“It all started one spring afternoon, Hera decided to have a “family picnic” and sadly, I was invited.” Hades narrated.

“Remind me why we’re here again? It’s to sunny.” Hades complained. “Don't be such a Debbie Downer. Hera and Zeus invited us. It be rude not to go.” Poseidon reminded him as they rode on the water car to the picnic along with Amphitrite.

“Ugh, it’s the hottest day of the year. And Hera decides to have a picnic. Now we all have to go.” Hades scowled. “Now, Hades, you never know, maybe your future wife might be there.” Amphitrite winked. “Yeah, the probability of that happening is very unlikely.” Hades sighed putting on sunglasses.

“Don't think like that. I found Amphitrite by fate. If she wasn’t swimming around in the ocean that one day I never would've found my one true love.” Poseidon smiled. “That a nice story. One, Amphitrite is part mermaid. Two) I despiece mermaids.” Hades scowled.

“You despise me Hades?” Amphitrite asked sadly. “No...no! You’re one of the good mermaids! You make me those water macaroons.” Hades said as Amphitrite smiled. “Your wife is so sensitive.” Hades muttered as Poseidon chuckled. “Hades! Poseidon! Amphitrite! You made it!” Hera called out as they reached the docks.

“Brothers!” Zeus smiled hugging Poseidon and Hades. “Ugh! Let go of me!” Hades complained. “But you love our hugs.” Poseidon gushed. “Let’s just get this over with, I have an underworld to take care of.” Hades sighed. “Come on Hades, live a little!” Zeus laughed, slapping Hades on the back playfully making Hades lunge forward a bit.

“Still have a heavy hand I see.” Hades said quietly. “Come on little bro. Have a drink. You can't just be cooped up in the underworld for all eternity.” Poseidon said passing Hades a drink. “I don't know if you noticed but I like being in the underworld. Plus, I’m cursed to rule it for all eternity. Not that I mind.” Hades informed them. “Oh, right. Forgot. But even so, you need to lighten up a bit. Meet some new people.” Athena suggested.

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