EP.155|Revenge on The Beast!

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EP.155|Revenge on The Beast!

Hunter felt like something was off, normal, Farrah could sense Hunter coming and would come out and hug Hunter tightly. But nothing, no Farrah, it gave Hunter a sinking feeling in his stomach.

“H-Hunter.” Farrah’s voice quivered, Hunter looked behind him to see Farrah. “Mom? What’s wrong?” Farrah hugged Hunter tightly. “Thank the gods and goddesses he didn't get you!” Farrah started crying.

“Who didn't get me?” Hunter questioned, Farrah and Hunter went inside, it was all damaged and ruined “it’s Adam,” Farrah’s crying began to increase “he took your father.”

“Why?” Hunter asked, getting angrier by the second. “The dagger.” Farrah sniffled.

Hunter was then brought back to the day he got the dagger.

One cool September day, Hunter, who was only 18 at the time, went to visit his mom. But when he got there he could her the sound of Farrah crying “mom? Is everything okay?” Hunter asked innocently.

“Y-Yeah, just...tonight is my and your dad anniversary, we would always go watch the sunset on this one beach down in Mango Island. He would always tell me we would steal Hook ship and sail off into the sunset.” Farrah smiled, remembering the good times.

“Was dad a nice guy?” Hunter asked, Farrah nodded “your dad was a good man, he loved you with all his heart, Hunter.” Farrah kissed his forehead.

“If he did...then why did he leave?” Hunter looked down. “It’s complicated honey, but,” Farrah went into her cabinet drawers, pulling out a rectangular box, “this is for you.”

Hunter opened the box, inside was a beautiful dagger with a bejeweled base and a folded up piece of paper.

Hunter looked up at his mom “go on, read it.” Hunter unfolded the letter and began reading.

Dear Hunter,

I’m Gaston LeGume, your father, you probably hate me right now, and I would too. I left you and your mother, it’s unforgivable. I wish I had more time with you, Hunter, you were just the cutest little baby.

But, I’ve done some bad things, really bad things. I guess this is karma getting back at me for past mistakes by taking the two things I love the most.

I know I wasn’t there for the big moments in your life, but, I’m gonna try getting all the life lessons I wanted to teach you in this letter.

First, Hunter, don't make the mistakes I did. I was a really bad person before I met your mom. Your mom is such an amazing person, I don't want her to worry about you like she did with me. Get a good life, make good choices, do something with your life Hunter.

Next, find some good friends Hunter. Since your a VK, it’s gonna be hard to do that, but there are so good VK’s not all of them are bad. My group of friends when I was younger were the best ever! Without them, I don't think I would have meet your mother.

Now, I should warn you about somebody. Brazzan. It’s something I was trying to keep away from you, but I don't think it worked. He’s dangerous, ruthless, and will destroy anything in his path to get world domination.

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