EP.171|A Healer's Kiss

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EP.171|A Healer's Kiss

Freddie looked up at the sky aimlessly, her thoughts drifting back to that mysterious woman from years ago.

A young Freddie was being carried on the back of the healer as she walked through town "I thought I would meet the demon first but I guess order doesn't mean anything to the Gods and Goddesses." she muttered, she looked up at Freddie "you are adorable, I'll give you that."

"You remind me of your mother, she was just like you when you were little," she noticed Freddie's eyes fluttering open "but those eyes, those are from Facilier."

"You know...my parents...?" Freddie yawned, she was still weak. "I know a lot of things, Freddie, especially about you and friends," she answered.

"I don't have friends...all I have is Voodoo..." Freddie had a sad look in her eyes. "For now, but I promise, you're gonna meet the best people when your older, and the love of your life." she moved Freddie's hair behind her ear.

"That would be nice...I remember my dad's stories about him and my mother...like one year on Valentine's day, her birthday, he decorated the entire house with white, pink, and red roses. He said he's never seen her happier in his entire life." Freddie smiled softly, she wanted that with her future partner.

"It'll take a while, but once you meet him, you two will be inseparable," she promised, putting Freddie down. "Miss, why did you save me?" Freddie asked, holding on to the woman's hand as they continued walking.

"You're a very special girl Freddie," she replied, Freddie looked down, the only person who ever gave her this much affection was her parents.

It was different.

In a good way.

"Miss, I don't have a lot of money, I won't be able to pay you back," Freddie mumbled. "Who said you had to pay me back?" she crouched down to Freddie's height "I'm doing this because you needed help."

Freddie's eyes were glued to her feet, she didn't want to look at her, not that Freddie was ashamed of the woman, she was worried the woman was ashamed of her.

"Freddie," she cupped Freddie's small hands "did you know, there was a small tribe years ago that had the strength of a thousand gods and goddesses."

"There was?" Freddie tilted her head.

"Yep, they say they could flatten the mountains with one punch!" she exclaimed, punching the air.

"You gotta take me to go see them Miss! They sound amazing!" Freddie's eyes glistened with the moonlight.

"I have to leave soon Freddie, but one day, when you find me," she kissed her forehead, Freddie never knew complete peace until that moment, it was like that one kiss took all her problems away "we'll travel the world."

Freddie woke up the next morning, trying her best to remember who saved her and how she ended up in a dressing up on a cot

"You're Freddie, aren't you?" Peggy asked, approaching Freddie slowly, the small girl flinched.

Freddie grabbed the dagger from her pocket and pointed it at Peggy, "I-I-I-I'll stab you!" she warned.

Preggy chuckled and walked closer "we're friends of your parents, my name is Peggy, my husband, Alex, and I are your godparents."

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