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“Freddie?” Zeref asked, reaching the cliff Freddie sat atop of. “Go...away Zeref.” Freddie sniffled, wiping her tears.

“I’m sorry about your parents.” Zeref placed Freddie in his lap. “I just can’t believe they’re gone” Freddie took a deep breathe in and out “i’m all alone.” Freddie started to cry again.

“Agh! Why am I crying!” Freddie groaned, fanning her eyes “i hate doing it!”

“Hey, look at me” Zeref lifted up her chin “you’re not alone anymore. You have me, the VK’s, and Shadow Freddie.”

Zeref kissed Freddie’s lips so softly. The two indulging in a soft, tender, loving kiss. Zeref ran his fingers thru her chocolate brown hair.

Freddie started to cry all over again. As much as she hoped Zeref’s kiss would help but she kept crying.

“Freddie” Zeref broke the kiss, looking into Freddie’s eyes. “First my grandfather dies. Now my mom and dad.” Freddie clenched her knees to her chest.

“I’m crying like a baby!” Freddie continued to sob. Zeref hugged Freddie once more, stroking her hair.

“Shh, shh...it’s alright. We’re gonna get through this.” Zeref assured him. “I’m all alone...I’m all alone…” Freddie muttered into Zeref’s chest.

“You’re not alone” Zeref kissed Freddie’s cheek “from the day we started dating, I made a promise to myself that I wouldn't let you be alone” he kissed her forehead

“feel any sadness or pain” he stopped right in front of her lips “for as long as I live, I promise to give you the best life possible. And I’d like to live up to that promise.”

Zeref kissed her once more, and for the first time in a long time, Freddie didn’t feel alone.

She knew Zeref would stay true to his promise. Care for her, be there for here, be the Zeref she fell head over heels in love with.

Being with Zeref, she knew she wasn’t alone anymore. She had him and the VK’s, and that’s all the family she needed.

Later on that day, Freddie and Zeref came back to MacLaren’s Pub, in which CJ tackled her in a crushing hug.

“You had me worried sick!” CJ sighed in relief, she was worried about her best friend. “I’m fine CJ” Freddie chuckled “CJ! Can’t breathe!”

CJ quickly let go of Freddie and smiled, “sorry” “Are you sure you’re okay?” Ben questioned as Freddie nodded.

“Yeah, I know I’m not alone anymore” Freddie held Zeref’s hand, smiling “cause I got you guys.”

“There is something I do wanna know though. How did it happen?” Freddie asked, sitting on the couch.

“It all started when your parents came to visit 2 weeks ago.” Megan narrated.

“Facilier, wake up honey.” Acadia shook Facilier slightly, causing him to groan and shift in his train seat.

“Five more minutes.” he mumbled, clearly not fully awake. “Come on, you have to get up.” Acadia said, pulling Facilier up. “I’m too tired Acadia!” Facilier rubbed his eyes.

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