EP.65|My Animalistic King

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EP.65|My Animalistic King

It had been no more than 4 hours since CJ was awake and had been moved into a different room of the guild so that she could have visitors without disturbing the others and Mal was finally beginning to stir.

Nevermore and Maleficent had made themselves comfortable to the best of their ability in the stiff infirmary chairs and stayed by her side day and night. The sun was just finally beginning to come around and after much convincing by Courtly and Giles, the two had finally fallen soundly asleep.

Mal sat up slowly, holding her spinning head she looked over to a blur of black hair and green eyes. Tears of happiness streaked her face and soaked the covering the cuts on her cheeks. Wendy had used her magic to heal the more life-threatening injuries and didn't have enough left to instantly fix her face.

"You're okay...you guys are okay.." she mumbles repeatedly as her sobs become slightly louder.

This woke Maleficent immediately, he looked around in a panic shaking a sleep deprived Nevermore in her lap, thinking somebody was idiotic enough to break into the school.

Her sudden movements jostled Nevermore enough to rouse her from her much needed sleep.

“Maleficent! Didn't they tell you to be quiet while Mal was s...sleeping!?” Nevermore says alarmed as she stares at Mal, tears continuing to fall from her emerald eyes.

“Mal! You're awake? And crying?! What happened?” She asks protectively as she wraps her arms around her big sister, tight enough for it to seem that she would disappear if she let her go for even second.

“Nothing happened...I just...I'm glad to see you guys again,” she says with a sad smile before her eyes widen.

“Wait where’s Ben?” She asks worried, the last thing she could remember had been Milton talking about harvesting his power.

As if on cue a large growl was heard around the room before he appears. “I heard my name and some loud noises, Maleficent do I need to bite you till you learn how to shut up again?” Ben says with a smug smirk that caused Maleficent to walk onto the other side of Mal's bed.

He quickly freezes as he stares at Mira, his eyes widen as he stares at her smiling face. “He might pass out…” Nevermore mumbles with a snicker, earning a swat on the arm from her sister and a deep laugh from Maleficent.

“M..Mal?” Ben asks as he sinks to his knees next to the bed, his head buried in her lap.

“Mal oh my gods...we thought we might have lost you..we thought we lost all of you…” he sobs as he begins to wet the sheets wrapped snugly around her legs.

“Malena Maleficent…” Ben says as he suddenly looks into her eyes sternly. “You are never...ever..leaving my fucking side again” Ben all but growls as he looks into her eyes.

Mira giggled quietly as she runs her fingers through his golden hair. “Ben you can't be s-”

Ben cuts her off with a finger to her lips.

“If you think I'm joking you're wrong..Mal, I can't lose you...I wouldn't be able to live without you...please Mal...I can't lose you.” he begs as he all but stares into her soul with those sad gray eyes.

“I’m not leaving, promise.”

Maleficent and Nevermore had left the room a while ago through the couples’ touching moment. Maleficent  as to avoid throwing up since it was her daughter and Nevermore as to give them some privacy and scold Maleficent for acting as she did.

All eyes suddenly turned to Maleficent and Nevermore as they went back down stairs to the first floor of C.A’s Cafe, the VK’s decided it be better if they rested in the Cafe (Which apparently had a hidden medical room on the second floor) to not draw attention to themselves at the school and cause a commotion.

They hadn’t been out of there in a while, other than when Lori was to busy to bring them up food or when they need to grab Freddie or Evie to help out and check up on the other patients, so seeing them was surprising.

“Guys!” Nevermore yelled, grabbing the attention of even the loudest and most spacey villains and VK’s.

“Mal’s awake!” She says as she jumps excitedly. Everybody began to cheer loudly clinking beer mugs. A few of them began to rush to the doors of the infirmary, only to run into Maleficent. “No visitors! She needs to sleep! Did you idiots forget she’s gonna still get married.” She says as she plants her feet firmly to the ground.

“This is some sort of hope, right?” Carlos asked Hunter, trying to pull him out of his worse than usual funk. “I guess so…” he mumbles as he downs his pint angrily. “I just want Freddie or Evie back up and help Music Note get better.”

“I know you do but they needs their own time to cope about Zeref and Jasper not doing well. The two been beating themselves up about not being to help the boys that they won’t even let Courtly help with healing since they're still in protective mode.” he says with a sad shrug.

Hunter nodded quietly as he signals C.A for another drink. He slouches back in his seat and stares out at the cafe. He needed her back. He’d be damned if he let that girl go just because he was there too late.

They both saved each other countless times, be she was stronger than he would ever be. She was the light to his dark, the force that drove him, the one thing that kept him from turning back to the demon he used to be.

This girl wasn't weakness to him, she was his strength. And he’d be damned if he lose that to some asshole who wanted to get to him.


Hey everyone! It's your girl Sugar_And_Spice125! Yesterday was my homecoming and let me tell ya! It was AMAZING! It was also really loud and I couldn't understand half of the rap songs, but all and all it's amazing! So anyways, I've been prewriting about 3 chapters, so those will be coming out soon!

Anyways, if you don't already know the drill, smash that vote button and plz comment, hopefully ill see you here next chapter.

Keep it classy,


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