EP.32|Festival of The Lights

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EP.32|Festival of The Lights

Lori and Bruce walked into the hotel room, she immediately got tackled into a hug by C.A and Alistair. “You have to stop worrying us like that!” C.A sniffled. “Sorry, I guess I kinda got carried away.” Lori rubbed the back of her neck awkwardly.

“What took you so long to find her?” Alistair asked. Lori and Bruce quickly looked at each other and back at the group. “She runs really fast.” Bruce answered. “I’m really sorry about flipping out.” Lori apologized.

“You shouldn’t apologize. We should. We never really considered your feelings.” Alistair sighed. “Enough sappy stuff! It’s Festival of The Lights day!” Ben announced. “Festival of the what now?” Bruce asked.

“Festival of The Lights. It’s a celebration of the gods, people set out food and presents at their statues to symbolise their praise for them at the end of the festival everyone sends their lanterns into the sky. It’s like a million little stars.” C.A explained.

“Do we really have to go to this festival?” Freddie asked annoyingly. “Of come on Freddie. It’s just a festival, plus you might have fun.” CJ answered. “I doubt it.” Freddie muttered.

“Festival of the Lights. We had one of those back in the Villain Isle. Except, instead of the gods it would be the 6 Pillars of Light. The ones who discovered the Villain Isles.” Hunter reminisced. “Five original villains?” Alistair asked.

“Yeah. Long ago, when the Villains had no rights. 6 rose up and decided to escape the clutches of the Hero’s and migrate to a paradise where all Villains can live in peace. It wasn’t easy though, the 6 Villains fought long and hard for the right to own the island. Each used their own strength to defeat their enemies.”

“Strength, bravery, healing, beauty, hope, and sorcery. This is what we honor during the 6 Pillars of Light festival and their sacrifice they made during their battle. Hence why you see 6 pillars holding up the island underneath it.” Jasper explained.

“What happened to the 6 pillars?” Lori asked. “After they defeated the hero’s they disappeared. Nobody knows where they went. Which is why we put out food, flowers, and presents, so they can find their way home.” Lizzie answered. “Wow.” C.A said.

“So you guys wanna go?” Ben asked. “Sure, why not.” Mal shrugged.


“You almost ready guys?” Alistair called out. “Yeah we're done!” Ben yelled back as the group went down stairs into the streets of Olympia. All the streets were lit up with colorful lights and decorations.

“Wow, it’s beautiful.” Bruce gazed in awe. “They really go all out for the festival this year.” C.A observed. “No kidding.” CJ added. “The gods are sure to find their way home with these lights.” Carlos chuckled.

“It kinda reminds me of Dia De Los Muertos.” Evie said, smelling on of the roses. “Look, they have live music!” Freddie pointed out as she grabbed Zeref’s hand and ran towards it. “Looks like they’re gonna have fun.” Jasper laughed slightly. “Festival. Check.” Lizzie whispered as C.A crossed off the word FESTIVAL on her list.

“Where are Bruce and Lori?” Maddie asked, eating a piece of cotton candy.

To answer that question, Bruce and Lori were by the lake making out. “I still don't get why we can't tell my siblings.” Lori said between the kiss.

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