EP.145|2 Demons, This Should Be Fun.

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EP.145|2 Demons, This Should Be Fun.

Operetta was thrown into the dusty cold cell, she hated this, she needed to get out "Magdir! I swear to freaking gods and goddesses I'm gonna kick your ass when I get out of here!" Operetta yelled.

"Ain't that cute." Magdir chuckled, running his fingers along the cell bars. "Get. Away. From me. I want nothing to do with you!" Operetta snarled.

"Oh Operetta, you know there was a spark between us." Magdir lifted up her chin. "Was. There was a spark between us. You know Hunter is my one and only." Operetta growled.

"Oh you mean the little demon?" an orb appeared in Magdir's hands showing Hunter, the VKs and Demonia fighting through the guards as they tried to reach the palace.

"He's gonna kick your ass," Operetta promised. "Oh no, he's not gonna fight me, he'll fight someone much closer to him," Magdir smirked.

"There's too many of them!" Ben yelled out, biting one of the guards legs and flinging him to the side. "We near the palace doors, we need a plan," Carlos warned them.

"Alright, Hunter, you go after Magdir. Mal, you and Ben take Demonia to find her body. The rest of us will keep the guards at bay." CJ explained as the group nodded in agreement.

Mal, Demonia, Ben, and Hunter ran inside the castle to see it was empty "see you on the other side." Mal winced as they split up. "Operetta!" Hunter yelled, walking through the castle.

A ray of ice almost hit Hunter, luckily, she dodged it "Operetta?"

"Yes? You selfish douchebag?" Operetta snarled. "Thank gods I found you -- wait for what?" Hunter was confused.

"Magdir showed me the light, he was right about you, you really are a horrible demon." she walked down the staircase, a sharp ice sword in her hand "that I'm about to crush."

I'm sorry Operetta, please don't hate me. Hunter frowned, he didn't want to fight his beloved again.

Operetta charged at Hunter, making several quick, but futile thrusts at Hunter's head as he swiftly bobbed away from the blade, teasing her with several faces until he mockingly bows towards her.

A downward strike is blocked by the base of his Blood scythe, right before he tosses it in the air and draws it towards Operetta.

The two openly clash blades as Hunter landed a downwards strike, and aggressively swiped at Operetta, forcing her to do a series of back handsprings away from the greatsword and eventually block it.

Both Operetta and Hunter parry each of their foe's strikes with rapid speed, as Operetta dodges a two-handed swing before smacking Hunter's left cheek with the pommel of her saber.

But Hunter grins as his left eye flashes brightly and Operetta is forced to leap away with an ice glyph as Hunter slams his sword on the ground, shattering the floor.

Operetta then breaks away from the midair crane stance as she lands near a railing, which is subsequently destroyed with a swipe from Hunter.

Operetta then leaps above him and dodging his swings, finally leaping on top of his scythe, then giving him an excellent view of her foot as she kicks him in the face.

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