EP.77|The Wedding Reception (PART 4)

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EP.77|The Wedding Reception (PART 4)


Hunter scanned the busy reception hall to see his Music Note was missing. “Where’s Music Note?” Hunter tilted his head. “Why? Somebody missing his future mate?” Ben cooed, smirking smugly at Hunter.

“No, idiot, I-I just wanna know where she is.” Hunter blushed, facing away from the group of VK’s.

“She’s outside in the garden. The Red Moon dance will start in a couple of minutes, if you wanna dance with her you might wanna hurry.” Carlos winked.

Hunter scoffed at the group as he walked out to the garden to see Operetta looking at the moon.

“Right now is the best opportunity! You two are alone in the garden! Just take her now!” Brazzan said, Hunter shook his thoughts out of his head.

“Hey, Music Note.” Hunter greeted. “Oh, hey Hunter.” Operetta looked down at her hands in her lap. “You okay?” Hunter questioned, sitting next to her. “Wh-What? Oh, I’m fine…” Operetta looked away.

“Music Note, you’re lying. I can see it in your eye. Now, what’s wrong?” Hunter asked again, looking into Operetta’s eyes

“I took a nap today, while I was dreaming, I could see the entire temple on fire, these weird demons monster attacking us, they look exactly like us.”

“Even though we fight them off it looks like we’re losing, everyone’s in panic. There’s this demon attacking me, I fought him off for a while but then he got hold of my throat and started choking me. He was laughing, watching me suffer.”

Operetta could feel tears streaming down her face, she tried to stop crying but it seemed like the was no hope to stop the tears.

“Look at me, it was just a nightmare. If that were to happen. I wouldn't let any demon hurt you.” Hunter promised, Operetta looked into his brown eyes. “You don't get it, do you Music Note?” Hunter got closer to her face.

“U-Um…” “In this past years you are all I think about. Your red hair, your smile, your laugh, your personality, your voice, your beautiful green eyes, your smooth skin, your red lips. All of it haunts my dreams at night.”

“I-It do-dose?” Operetta stuttered, her cheeks turning red. “Of course it does! Operetta, I’ve never felt this way about a girl before you. This entire day as been hell trying not to just grab you and kiss you.”

“And Brazzan’s been no help, ever since I told him about you, he’s been nagging me to tell you how I feel. And dammit Operetta you make it so hard to keep all theses feelings inside.”

“You make me want to be a better person, Operetta, you make me want to change for the better. I’m not gonna stop being a Villain, that’s a certain. People say you have to love yourself before you love someone else.”
“To me that’s bullshit, I’ve never loved myself Operetta. I’m a demon, I’ve hurt, even killed, millions of people.”

“I’m broken into a million pieces inside, I’ve been hurt, emotionally and physically, so many times I lost count. I’m so fucking dangerous that I’m on the top five most wanted list in the world.”

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