EP.49|Sapphire Blue or Ruby Red?

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EP.49|Sapphire Blue or Ruby Red?

Evie walked down the hallway it was dark the only light was the light coming from the poison dripping from the ruby red apples with what seemed to be a military guns acting as though they were crossbones and the apples were the skull.

“I get the apples. But guns? Mom doesn't work in guns, she mostly uses hand to hand combat.” Evie said, reaching the end of the hallway to see a blue door with a mirror on it. “Mirror Mirror.” The mirror spoke.

“On the wall.” Evie responded. “Queens beats Snows.” The mirror said. “At being the fairest of all.” Evie smirked as the door opened the room had mirrors everywhere.

“What the hell?” Evie asked, she looked into the mirror and saw a guys behind her.

“HYA!!” Evie yelled, roundhouse kicking the man, once he was on the ground Evie stomped her foot on his chest. “Who are you?!” Evie yelled, holding her wand to his neck. “Dante…” He groaned.

“Dante…?” Evie questioned, slowly moving her wand away from his neck. “Last name.” She ordered, he stood quiet. “Last name! Now!” Evie yelled. “Queen.” He groaned, Evie’s eyes widened, removing her foot.

“Dad…?” Evie asked as Dante got off the floor. “Yeah it’s me. You didn’t have to be like you mom though. Jeez.” Dante scoffed and before he knew it he was tackled into a hug.

“I missed you.” Evie cried. “I missed you too, pipsqueak.” Dante smiled.

“Why are you in an army uniform?” Evie asked, wiping her tears. “Well, that goes back to the day I met your mom.” Dante said, the two sitting on the floor.

“It all started one night at a bar.” Dante narrated.

It was a cool fall evening, Dante walked into a bar called Transylvania Locks. Odd name, I know. He walked inside to see he was the only one, other than the girl behind the counter humming the words to the song ‘Say No To This’

“One shot of tequila please.” Dante requested as the girl behind the bar nodded, pouring him the tequila.

“So, it's midnight, either your drunk and are super good at hiding it or your here to make a drug deal of some sort.” She chuckled.

“No, just wanted a drink that’s all.” Dante said. “Mind if I join you?” She asked, pouring two more shots.

“Why not.” Dante smiled, the two drinking the shot. “So, you work here or something?” Dante asked, sounding stupid as all hell. “Nah, I’m just behind the bar and get paid. Of course I work here dummy.” She laughed.

“I don't wanna work here. I wanna work there.” She then pointed to a beautiful silver building in a magazine. “Is that Eight Ball Fashion?” Dante asked.

“Yeah, I would kill to work there! All the massive fashion designers started there. Velouria Graves, Ayda Vandran, Zen Le Doux!” She gushed, holding the magazine to her chest.

“Pretty obsessed, huh?” Dante chuckled. “Excuse me?” She asked sternly.

“You seem super obsessed with those three designers. Especially that last one.” Dante said, drinking another shot. “I am not obsessed!” She scolded.

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