EP.113|The Ghost Of A Sister

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EP.113|The Ghost Of A Sister

Freddie woke up days later, her wounds wrapped and being changed.

“You’re awake.” Acadia smiled softly. “Mom?” Freddie sat up slowly, she groaned, everything in her body hurt.

“Lay down,” Acadia said as Freddie laid back down. “What happened? Last thing I remember was yelling at some shadows.” Freddie asked.

“You don't remember using the Kagechikara?” Facilier questioned, Freddie shook her head.

“I just got super angry and I felt something inside of me was telling me to just let out all my rage.”

Freddie looked down at her hands, she felt like something inside of her unlocked. “Do you feel any different?” Facilier Sr. asked.

“A little, I mean, I can hear them now.” Freddie said. “Hear what?” Alex asked.

“The shadows and souls. I can hear them talking, they know something about the next whereabouts of the grail but Lucifer scared them into telling me nothing.”

“Can you summon one of them?” Ben asked as Freddie shrugged and sat in the lotus position. Her eyes grew fully a lavender color, so did the medallion.

Soon, from the floor emerged a spirit, that of a child.

She had on a yellow sundress and had light skin with white hair and black eyes.

“Hello, my name is Ranee.” the boy VK’s gasped. “Ranee, as in Ranee DeVille?” Zeref questioned as Ranee nodded.

“I need to warn you about Carlos. But, I need my body. In this form, Lucifer’s has put a bound on my soul form to where I can't talk about the grail.” Ranee said.

“Your body’s in the Villian Isles though.” Hunter stated.

“I know, we need to get it though. Carlos is in serious danger, but I can’t reach him. Please, your his only hope.” Ranne pleaded.

“Alright, we’ll get your body, we’ll leave first thing in the morning.” Ben announced as the VK’s all nodded, going to bed.

“Well, isn't that just swell? Your friends are looking for you.” Carlos had chains wrapped around him as he was being suspended from the ceiling.

“Shit, why are they coming.” Carlos muttered.

“You won't get away with this, Ph-” “Pan. My name is Pan.” “No it’s Phi-” “PAN!” “FINE!”

“I swear! If you, or your men, lay a hand on CJ or my friends I slit your throat!” Carlos vowed. “No you won't.” Pan snickered.

“Oh really? Why’s that?” Carlos raised his eyebrow. Pan then whispered something in his ear, making Carlos eyes widen in fear.

“You bitch!” Carlos started moving, still in the chains grasp.

“Yep, so, now knowing what you know, do you really wanna kill me?” Carlos just growled and tried to lunge for him but the chains restricted him.

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