EP.168|Stupid Argyles

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EP.168|Stupid Argyles

“Why love someone you can’t be with?” That’s what my father told me everytime I brought up Antoine. It irked me every time because he didn't know what love is.” Cosmina growled.

“No wonder you wanted to leave, I would want to leave if my father threw my mom away like she was trash.” Hunter agreed. “It was impossible to be in that castle for 18 years.” Cosmina sighed.

“And he wouldn't let you out till you agreed to giving up the shards?” Jasper asked, she nodded sadly.

“I thought about it for a second, but something inside my head told me what Araden was doing wasn’t right.” Cosmina rubbed her fingers aimlessly around the shards.

“If it were me, I’d punch Araden straight in the face!” Eddie began punching the air, making Cosmina laugh slightly. “And he’d kill you too.” Maleficent commented, Eddie looked at her with a deadpanned emotion.

“What is that supposed to mean?!” Eddie yelled. “That Araden isn't the demon to go down in one punch,” Maleficent traced over the long scar on her left aim that went from her wrist to her elbow “believe me.”

I wonder what happened… Evie pondered to herself. “Regardless of his arrogance,” Maleficent snapped herself out of her deep thought “you all saw the power he had, remember what happened on your way to the Demonic Islands.”

The VKs shivered, they got their butts kicked back there, none of them could match up to Araden “there was that one moment with Ben though.” Carlos said, looking up at the sky.

“What do you mean?” Hunter questioned. “When Ben and Araden clashed fist I could feel Ben’s power increase drastically,” Carlos shook a bit “something about Ben in that moment scared the crap out of me, he looked like a whole different person for a couple seconds.”

“Carlos you’re not making sense.” Jasper sighed, shaking his head. “I swear! I know what I saw!” Carlos stated, his voice going up, “Ben wasn’t Ben, his hair was white and he had this weird black mark over his eye. He has this weird white and black aura around him, am I really the only one who sense this?”

“Well, I felt something was off a little bit with Ben, but I didn't see all that.” Hunter said. “I don't know if it was because of me being an animalistic or the fact I can sense people magi auras-”
Maleficent stopped in her tracks “you can sense Magi Auras.” Maleficent interrupted, a shock expression on her face.

“Yeah,” Carlos nodded, “is that a bad thing?”

Maleficent shook her head “no, it’s a really good and rare thing, can any of the other VKs do that?” the VKs shook their heads “I think Carlos is the only one.” Evie guessed.

“Okay why is Maleficent so shocked?” Cosmina asked, “anybody can sense a person’s aura, it’s like the first thing you see.”

“Not Magi Auras, they’re different from regular auras,” Maleficent began, she looked at Carlos “Carlos, what my physical aura?”

Carlos stared at Maleficent “it’s red, almost an orange color.” “alright, I saw that straight away when I met you.” Cosmina noted.

“If you let me finish,” Maleficent glared at her, Cosmina gulped in fear “Carlos, what’s my Magi Aura?”

Carlos stared at her again, this time, it was more intensively “it’s purple with some black and white in it.”

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