EP.87|Misty Archipelago

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EP.87|Misty Archipelago

Courtly looked out her one window to see it was raining. “I hate this…” Courtly muttered, she hated needing to be saved.

“Dammit where are you Milton.” Courtly sighed, she looked down at her Jester necklace and smiled softly.

“Awe, dose the little Jester miss her Wolf?” Lucifer smirked. “Shut up, do you miss Swan?” Courtly asked slyly, soon being pinned to the wall.

“Don't you dare mention her name! You don't deserve to!” Lucifer yelled.

“Put me down!” Courtly kicked him in the stomach. “You need me.” Courtly coughed.

“You’re lucky I do. If I didn’t, you and little boyfriend would be dead.” Lucifer slammed the door in her face.

The VK’s finally arrived on the Misty Archipelago to see it was deserted, the entire town was in shambles and plants started growing all over the buildings.

“What the hell happened here?” Ben questioned.

“Looks like an earthquake hit them hard or something.” Carlos guessed, examining the plants.

CJ then noticed giant graveyard with bloody crosses. Oh my gods… CJ covered her mouth in shock.

Little did they know, someone high in the trees was watching them.

“Is that her?” A voice asked over a hologram, pointing to CJ. “No idiot! The girl with the blue hair.” A second voice scolded, pointing to Evie.

“She’s the one we’ve been waiting for. She’s the one who can save us.” the second voice added.

“But are we sure it’s her? I mean, they’re just like the ones who attacked us. That’s how we got into this situation.” the hologram asked.

“I’m not sure, but I’ll watch them for a while.” The second figure said. “Signing off.” the hologram said before disappearing.

“Who would do something like this?” Evie asked herself, entering one of the abandon building to see a trashed up home, like someone ransacked it.

Evie treaded lightly, not wanting to break the already broken home.

Evie looked down to see a small rag doll, covered in dirt and dust. She picked it up and smiled.

She remembered having a doll just like this, she got it on her 3rd birthday, her mother said it was her father’s gift to Evie.

Thru the years, Evie held that dall tight when she fell asleep, it made her feel safe and completely somehow.

It was the only thing she had to remember her father by at the time.

Evie always felt left out because she never had a dad, so when he finally came back. Evie was brought to tears.

Evie snapped out out her thoughts when she hears someone calling her name. “Evie? You okay?” Freddie asked. “Y-Yes.” Evie sniffled, putting the doll in her satchel bag.

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