EP.70|The Wedding Ceremony (PART 3)

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EP.70|The Wedding Ceremony (PART 3)

Operetta sat in the bar, looking down at her drink. “Rough day huh?” The bartender asked.

“No kidding. The guy I like doesn't talk to me. He doesn't know I exist.” Operetta muttered. “Hey, if you ask me, the guy’s an idiot.” The bartender said, pouring another shot for himself.

“At times he can be. Ever since a little accident occurred in our group, he hasn’t talked to me. I honestly think he’s avoiding me.” Operetta sighed.

“Did you do something that made him avoid you?” He asked as Operetta’s face turned red.

“Well, I did ki-kinda say that I love him, I thought he was asleep but apparently he wasn’t.” Operetta bowed her head in shame. “Hey, maybe he’s just scared to love you. You never know.” he guessed.

“I doubt it, I mean look at me. Hunter would never go for me.” Operetta muttered. “Hey kid!” A familiar voice called out, sitting next to Operetta.

“Hey Gaston.” Operetta muttered. “What got you down in the dumps?” Gaston asked. “You wouldn't understand.” Operetta replied, swirling around her drink. “Try me.” Gaston smirked.

“Alright, I kinda told Hunter that I love him, but I thought he was asleep. Now, ever since the attack, he hasn’t talked to me.” Operetta shortly explained as Gaston chuckled. “What’s so funny?”

“Little do you know. But anyways, my son has always been a scaredy cat. Don't, I can assure you if you ask him out, he would say yeah.” Gaston winked. “Yeah right.” Operetta’s voice was filled with sorrow.

“Alright, my advice is to seduce him.” The bartender said, pouring Gaston his drink. “EXCUSE ME!” Operetta yelled, her face going red.

“I’m serious, from what I’ve been hearing. Your Hunter is a demon. And having a demon as my sweetheart, I know they get seduced very easily. And right now, you are nowhere near seducing level.” he shook his head.

“So let’s let down the hair, take off the glasses, add a little eyeshadow, a little blush, take off the sweater. For gods sakes Operetta you have boobs, use em. What else, oh a little lipstick, it’s after 12 take off the flats and wear some high heels. There we go. Perfect.”

Operetta looked into the mirror to see her new attributes. “I look amazing!” Operetta smiled, suddenly her phone rang. “Mal. what’s wrong? Alright calm down, we’ll find you a makeup artist.” Operetta assured her.

“Hey bartender guy.” “It’s Michael.” “Can you do my friends makeup?” Operetta asked. “Let’s go!” He cheered as he took out at black box with gold stars on it. He grabbed Operetta’s hand, the two running out of the bar.

Mal paced back and forth, her hair was already done and it looked beautiful, she hoped Ben was having a better time than she was.

He wasn’t

But that’s a story for a later episode.

“Mal! I got you a makeup artist.” Operetta announced, her and Michael walking thru the door. “Thank the gods!” Mal grabbed Michael’s hand, pulling him to the mirror.

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