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“D-Demonia?” Glies began crying. “Hey.” Demonia smiled. “You’re here!” Giles hugged Demonia tightly “you’re actually here!”

Giles couldn't believe it, Demonia was here, standing right in front of him. The girl he hasn't seen in years was here.

Giles didn't know where to start, he just knew that if Demonia was here, everything was gonna be okay.

Demonia smiled sweetly, she was finally back with her bookworm, she rested her head on his cheek “did you miss me?”

“Of course I missed you!” Giles spun her around, “I haven't seen you in years! You’re finally back, my beautiful little dragon.” Giles couldn't contain how happy he was now.

“It’s good to be back.” Demonia giggled, but that soon faded. Giles hugged her again, lying his head in her chest “I never want you to leave ever again.”

Demonia kissed his forehead, “never again.”

Demonia and Giles spent the rest of the day catching up, the two of them were impossibly in love.

They now sat on the balcony, looking at the beautiful sunset, Giles laid on her lap staring up at the dragon in a way that made Demonia blush. “Why do you keep staring at me like that?” Demonia tried to contain her blush.

“You’re just so beautiful.” Giles admired. “Th-Thank you.” Demonia stuttered a bit. “Why?” Giles asked with not much context to the question. “Why what?” Demonia tilted her head in concern.

“Why is it that you, the jade dragon, decided to mark me?” Giles questioned. “I should be asking you the same question, you’re a prince, I’m just some assistant.” Demonia sighed.

Giles sat up “never say that Demonia, you’re more than just some assistant! You’re a dragon! A fierce, powerful, sexy dragon.”

Demonia stared at Giles with that cute face he always loved. It was a face that made Giles fall in love with her. It starts with her eyes, so beautiful and green, he could stare at them all day.

Then it was her lips, the way she bit her lower lip ever so slightly proved that she had some innocence left in her.

Next was the was the way she was sitting, she had her left leg crossed over the other and her hand on her chest.

All these components made Giles just pounce on her. “Don't do that Demonia, you know how I get when you do that.” Giles tried his hardest to hold back.

“Giles,” Demonia lightly bit her finger, looking up at Giles, “please, just take already.”

That’s all Giles needed, he picked up Demonia and raced to the nearest room to see it was Maleficent’s.

Well, she’s gonna kill me, but I don't care. He didn't set her down, even after they entered the room.

Instead, he kissed her passionately, making her legs feel weak enough that she was glad to not be standing. He walked over to the edge of his bed and dropped her onto it.

“Isn't this Maleficent’s room?” she asked, a little worried when she noticed the words MALEFICENT on the headstand.

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