EP.143|The Engagement Party

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EP.143|The Engagement Party

Days till wedding: 4 days 17 hours and 12 minutes

“You ready for tonight baby?” Magdir smiled, kissing Operetta’s cheek. “Of course Nicholas. Our Engagement/your birthday party is gonna be amazing.” Operetta kissed Magdir’s lips.

I completely forgot she thinks I’m Nicholas. Magdir chuckled slightly.

“I’m just worried about Hunter.” Operetta bit her lip slightly. “Don't worry about him, he’s just trying to break us up.” Magdir looked at Operetta in the mirror.

“Seriously?” Magdir nodded. “That’s why we should mess with him.” Magdir winked. “How?” Operetta asked, turning around in her chair.

“Here’s the plan.” Magdir explain the plan to Operetta, once he finished, Operetta smirked devilishly.

“He’s gonna pay.”

“Don't you think it’s a bit weird that Operetta invited us to her engagement party?” Carlos questioned.

“It’s Operetta here, I’m gonna stop at nothing to get her back,” Hunter clenched Carlos’s collar “got it?”

Carlos chuckled nervously “maybe we should talk.” Hunter just growled and walked out onto the balcony with Carlos “dude, you gotta calm down.”

“How can I calm down when Operetta, who is my mate, is out there doing gods and goddesses knows what with Magdir!” Hunter’s eyes turned red “you don't understand Carlos-”

“You don't think I, of all people, know what it’s like to have the person they love taken away from them?” Carlos glared at him “did you just magically forget what happened on Mimosa Island?”

“Cause I didn't, we of all people know what it’s like to lose your mate to someone you hate. It sucks, like your heart being ripped out of your body.” Hunter nodded sadly.

“Look, I never want to lose CJ like I did back on Mimosa Island, and I know you never want to lose Operetta like you have now. But, we also have to face the fact that eventually, Operetta might not remember you. Ever.” Those words burned through Hunter’s skin.

What if she never remembers me? Hunter sulked, my Music Note...might never remember me.

“I know it’s a scary thought, but it’s something you have to face. I know Operetta was special to you but she might not remember you. And you have to be okay with that.” Carlos sighed, Hunter nodded sadly.

The two were quiet for a while after that, “everything okay?” Carlos asked. “Yeah, just remembering the good times.” Hunter reminisced.

Hunter laid in bed with Operetta, the two basking in the sunlight.

He watched as Operetta slept, murmuring his name in her sleep.

“Gods, she perfect. So tasty, so sexy, so delicious... Brazzan! Stop rewriting my thoughts!!” Hunter scolded.

“mmmhm...Hunter.” Operetta mumbled, Hunter smirked “good morning”

“Good morning my beautiful Music Note.” Hunter whispered. “Are we gonna stay the whole day in bed?” Operetta rested her head on Hunter’s hard chest.

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