EP.192|A Lover's Heat

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EP.192|A Lover’s Heat

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CJ rubbed her eyes, sitting up to feel the coldness of the room. Her head whipped towards the door to see Ranee smiling face.
“I see someone’s awake,” Ranee noticed, “you’re cold, aren't you?”
CJ nodded, her teeth chattering. She climbed into Carlos’s bed, wrapping around him. “Wh-Why is he cold?”
Ranee touched her brother’s arm, “he’s warm darling. His regular temperature.”
CJ shook her head, “no, he’s co-cold!”
Ranee took CJ’s temperature, she looked at the thermometer, “87 degrees...that’s hypothermia levels…”
“Shit,” Ranee cursed, “get me 4 nurses and CJ parents,” she ordered, the nurses nodded, rushing to follow her orders.
Carlos watched through lidded eyes as the nurses scrambled to help CJ, Carlos whimpered, “no...princesa...mine…”

He tried to move to get closer to his mate but his body was frozen. What the hell? All he could do was move his fingers. “Temporary paralysis is a side effect of the Feral Spray,” Alvarez informed him.

“Feral Spray? Shouldn’t it have worn off by now?” Carlos questioned. “It wore off already, but some of the side effects still remain.” Alvarez continued, “like the fact that you're freezing.”
“Freezing? That’s impossible, CJ always says I'm hot.” Carlos scoffed slightly. “Side effects, Carlos, it’s one of the side effects.” Alvarez sighed in annoyance.
“Right now your body temperature is just a normal human’s body temperature. Something in the Feral Spray must have prevented your body heat from being its normal temperature.” Alvarez pondered.
Carlos turned his head to see the nurses still crowding CJ. Her parents were here as well, just as worried as he was.
He desperately wished he could help CJ but the one thing she needed he didn't have.
He quickly locked eyes with Hook, he noticed the anger in the pirate’s eyes. Choosing flight over fight, Carlos closed his eyes, trying to pretend he was asleep.
Hook knew he would have to deal with him later, right now, his daughter was the top priority. He held onto her hand, feeling just how cold she really was. “Has she had hypothermia attacks in the past?” Ranee questioned.
Hook nodded, “one when she was 12 and another at 17.” he replied, not looking away from CJ. “When did she meet Carlos?” Ranee bit the tip of her pen. “I think 2 or 3 years ago, why?” Hook asked.
“No, when was the first time they met?” Ranee asked again, Hook and Nikita made an ‘o’ expression with their face. “She was 12.” Hook then pieced the puzzle together, “and the day she had one Carlos got lost on a different island.”

“And when she was 17, her old memories were erased, and so was the memory of Carlos’ heat, causing her to have the 2nd attack!” Nikita added on, Hook nodded in agreement.
“Now since Carlos’s body heat dropped to that of a normal human, it’s not enough to warm up CJ,” Ranee concluded, watching as her brother’s mate groaned, her body couldn't handle going cold turkey.
Cruella passed by the infirmary to witness the scene, her interest peaking, she walking into, standing at her daughter’s side “what’s going on?”
“CJ’s mate withdrawal turned into hypothermia.” Ranee summarized. “Just have her next to Carlos, problem solved.” Cruella shrugged, moving Carlos to make room for CJ, the moment her fingers touched his arms, Cruella jerked her hand back.
“Why is he cold? Ever since birth, he’s had a high body temperature.” Cruella began to worry, even in their final moments, animalistic have high body temperature.
“It’s the Feral Spray, something in it must have reduced his body to normal human body temperature,” Nikita replied she was restless as well.
“That damn demon! When I get my hands on him, oooh I swear I’ll kill him,” Cruella’s eyes changed from black to neon pink, “I’ll rip him limb from limb!”
Hook scoffed, “if we’re blaming people, maybe we should talk about your son.”
Cruella’s head whipped towards him, “excuse me?”
“Think about it Cruella,” Hook stood up, “your son is the reason why CJ is having these hypothermia attacks, if Carlos never marked her, her body would’ve never gotten used to the heat and wouldn't go cold turkey when it’s gone.”
“Are you seriously blaming my son for loving your daughter enough to mark her? If your an animalistic, marking your mate is the ultimate act of love, I’m sorry if that’s a problem for you.” Cruella glared at him.
“Well, it is! Because of this whole mate shit, my daughter is about to die of hypothermia!” Hook exclaimed, marching over to Cruella.
“Stand down Hook, don't start something you can't finish,” Cruella growled, baring her fangs. 
“Your son needs to learn what happens when you mess with a Hook,” the pirate extended his hand, Firefly coming to his side, “you know what to do Firefly.”
Firefly darted towards Carlos, it hovered directly over his heart. Hook snapped his fingers, sending FireFly down on the animalistic.
Before it could pierce the skin, Cruella transformed into her panther form, holding FireFly in her mouth as Carlos back away from the spear.
“What...the fuck?!” Carlos and Cruella yelled. Hook growled, grabbing Carlos by the back of the neck, pinning him to the wall, “you have some fucking nerve, DeVille!”
“Wha-What?!” Carlos stuttered, trying to play dumb in hope of getting out of this sticky situation.
“You’ve been awake this entire time, haven’t you?” Hook squeezed his neck. Cruella spit out FireFly and darted towards Cruella, “not now, Cruella!” Hook extended his hand towards her, FireFly pinning her to the wall.
“I don't give a shit if your abnormal body heart is working, I want my daughter out of this Hypothermia state and I want her out of it now, am I clear?” Hook threatened, his clutch becoming tighter.
“I’m pretty sure he got it,” Hex held a fireball to the back off the pirate’s neck, “now back off my son.”

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